Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!

Take a deep breath.....

All right! This is me blogging from ..............................the Philippines. Yup! No White Christmas for me! But its okay. I'm still disappointed about some things but I still had fun celebrating Christmas with my family and friends. I think its not yet the right time for me to go there. God's will!

I don't want to disclose anything about it because I won't gain anything. One thing is sure, I don't know if I still want to go there after 6 months. But wait, before I talk about that, I wanna share how we had fun at the Christmas parties we had in and out of the office.

Christmas Party at KFC

We were not lucky unlike other companies to have big budget for their Christmas parties but one thing is for sure, we know how to have fun, so regardless of the place, we were able to manage. Let me share some pics at the party.

Our manager having his speech at the start of the party

Our hosts, TM Jason and TM Scotty

My team, Roselyn, Andi, Loren, Yena, Len, Lilian, Betsy, me, and Nelly :)

My team with TM Rhem

Me, Nelly, and Madz

Me, Ima, and June :)

AM Teachers' Christmas Party at the Office

Last December 23, before everyone went home we also had our Christmas party for the morning shift. We had a short time planning for the event but it went well, not to mention some gate crashers..lol. It was fun and memorable because it was the first we had one. There were games and presentations from the three teams. Had a blast, indeed!

the hostess, lol..

with Debbie and Madz

with my lovely teammates :)

Havin fun at the pantry while eating..

TMs and TLs Exchange Gifts

It's not over yet! Team managers and team leaders also had their exchange gifts. We also had fun with our little activity and of course picture taking especially the jumpshot with very limited space in the office. Crazy!

And of course, I took a pic of some of the gifts I received on that day. Wow! Thanks a lot! I love your gifts guys! Love you all!

The next day, I went home early to spend Christmas with the two most important people in my life, of course, my parents. We didn't cook any food for Noche Buena because we fell asleep. LOL. We went to church on Christmas Day and thank God for all the blessings.

This Christmas, I only have three wishes, for my family, the world, and of course for myself. May God continue to bless everyone in our family and of course, world peace. Sounds gasgas or what, but this is what I really hope for all races..and of course, for myself...I hope to see my angel finally next year. It's been years, and I want to settle my feelings already. I think it will only happen if I finally see you in person.

To everyone, Merry Christmas! :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

My Favorites...

Today, I had a lunch-out with some of my favorite people in the office. I don't consider them as my members but my friends. They were part of my team before but they belong to other teams now. Mhelody, on the other hand works in a different company but good thing, we still keep in touch. Rush was supposed to join but she's having dysmenorrhea, so she just stayed in the office.

It feels great to be with them because they're very special to me. We've been together in a team for almost two years, and I really treasure those times. Today, we were able to discuss a lot of things, like politics. Imagine, we're talking about the Supreme Court, P-Noy, GMA, and even Hacienda Luisita and other hot issues. We also talked about local films, Kris Aquino, and even George Estregan, Sr. Gosh! Thanks to Cian for that juicy info! Hahaha.

Mhelody came late because her class ends at 12KT. We we're there before 12, so we ordered our food already. Though it was Dutch treat, I bought soda and Cian bought halo-halo for us. Thanks, Cian! Advance Happy Birthday to our Prince....our prince coz he's the only thorn among the roses. LOL

Mhelody, Ima, and Cian

My food! Chicken pecho and rice, matched with soysauce with kalamansi, kekeke. The rice was unlimited so, I got one additional serving. Oh, I forgot I am on a diet these days.

This is June who's squeezing calamansi juice for his soy sauce. Go June, the more calamansi juice, the more tasty it is!

With June, who's feeling so tired after squeezing all the calamansi juices..LOl

Ima and Cian

I really love spending time with these guys. I am looking forward to more lunch-outs and more activities with them. I hope, we can be in one team again in the future.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Early Gifts

Before Christmas, we usually have our monito/monita. This is commonly called as Christmas cringle. Last week, I received the lightstick with different colors. And today, I received these colorful stones. I don't know who got my name last week and this week, so I just thanked everyone in the office. Who he/she is, thanks a lot! I'm lovin the gifts honestly. :)

Excited for next week! kekekeke. Whoa! Christmas is just around the corner! But what if I'm not here in the Philippines when Christmas comes? What if I'm in another country? Hmmmm...Well, it's still early to tell, but if it's God's will, then, I will gladly accept it. God knows what's best for me. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


This is actually a late post. Been busy for the past few days.
The reason of me posting this lies on the date. Just check it out!

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

KHJ and his Popularity

There's no doubt, he is famous. His popularity is a no-brainer.

In the recently concluded Style Icon Awards, Kim Hyun Joong once again proven his immense popularity by winning the People's Choice for three consecutive years. That's amazing, right? He's now a hall of famer, at the age of 25. :)

How can I forget that event? He entered like a boss! Dashing! He shone brightest among the stars there. His opening performance was great and truly unmatched. If someone will watch his performance on that night and he's not aware about the award, probably one would think it's KHJ's concert! You want proof, here's the video of his performance that night.

However at the back of my mind, I think he doesn't need to prove anything in terms of popularity. Well, I don't mean we should stop voting for him, I guess we need to focus more on bigger awards.

Hopefully in the future, he would receive a Daesang for both acting and music.

Seems not impossible because HJ works really hard to improve his craft. :)

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Random Thoughts

It's November 1!

You might think I rested all day since it's a holiday. Well, you're wrong! I spent the day as a usual day. I don't have a holiday, but it's okay. I already went to my hometown last weekend to visit my grandparents' and other relatives tombs. I'm praying that they're all happy in heaven with Lord, God. :)

So what's up after Halloween? Hmmm..
It's Christmas time!!! So what's your Christmas wish? Can you guess mine?
My wish is kinda recycled. I really want to see him. But how can I? I need to solve the puzzle. I need to know how would I feel when that certain moment happens. But how? and When?

I leave it all to God..
He knows what's best for me..
Although I strongly believe that it will happen soon..
I think he's preparing me and testing me if I'm really ready..

He's still the ONE.
He's still my ANGEL.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Personal Quote

"No matter how hard I tried to forget you, you are still the one..here in my heart." - Anonymous

Oh wait, for HyunMin lovers like me, can you take a look at this?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

On PGT...


Soooo sleepy right now! I went to bed late last night coz I watched Pilipinas Got Talent. Sigh. I hate to say this but I was kinda disappointed with the result. Why? I thought Filipinos are matured already in choosing winners of talent shows like this. But it turned out, NO! I don't hate the winners, in fact, I think they are more deserving than the one whom I pretended would win because of his popularity.

I still think that El Gamma Penumbra is still the best among the 12 finalists. Call me loser or not, I don't give a damn shit. I still think their group was the one who performed the best, something that we can be proud of as Filipinos.

I was able to read some comments on the article about the talent show finals and found some interesting ones. Others were really disappointed with the results. Others were happy that atleast Khalil didn't win. Others wholeheartedly accepted the results. Some were saying that even if they didn't want the trio to win, people should accept that they already won the first prize. I gotta say that all of them have a point and somehow I share sympathy with them.

Yup, El Gamma is the winner for me and even if I was disappointed with the result, I was also y that Khalil didn't win. I'd rather see the trio win than him. Don't sue me, I don't hate him, infact I think he'll become famous someday, but I think there's nothing special about him. You gotta respect me coz it's my opinion, as I respect yours. I was actually laughing when Kris said that he's the new crush of "bayan", well spare me from that, hate me, I'd rather not be a part of your so-called "bayan." I think he's kinda normal, and probably the reason why he's got such popularity was because no one from this batch was able to match his ordinary looks. It might have been a different story if there's someone more good-looking than him in the contest. I bet the attention would be divided, as well as the text votes.

However, I gotta agree with the third one. We should move on! This is just one of those competitions which is not really after the talent per se, but more of money. Sorry to say this, but the only way to win is to receive more text votes and online votes. But how? One word, MONEY! You have to spend MONEY. However, we shouldn't let our emotion got in a way that we would become violent and disrespectful to others. Those people who preferred to leave the venue as soon as the winner was announced were frustrated however, aren't we aware that in a competition, there will always be winner and losers. After all, you can't do something about it because it's OVER!

Despite this, I am still happy for the trio because they have very strong fan base and these fans are willing to spend money for them. At the same time, it feels great knowing that even if they're kinda old now, they still continue to sing. I mean, they're setting a good example for young kids and even those on their 40s or even 50s that age isn't a hindrance in fulfilling their dreams. Hope those who are aspiring to be singers would be inspired their story.

Well, as for me, I still stood by my choice. I'm proud of El Gamma and I am proud to say "Batanguenos ROCK!!"

To all the finalists, congratulations!

(Note: I wrote this entry Monday morning but I only posted it tonight. Forgive me, I'm so busy.)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Good Times with My Team :)

Last Monday was a blast for my team!
We spent time eating together, chatting, and of course having fun. It seldom happens because of our schedules. We had a great time and I'm so happy that they liked my fruit salad. LOL. I hope we can do this again, and hopefully all of us can join.

I made a video of our pictures! I'm gonna send them this video tomorrow. :)))

P.S. KHJ already had his comeback stage in MNet Countdown. Well, he didn't win but it was indeed daebak! I really love watching him performing while having a great time. KHJ, you might not win today but always remember, Henecians will always be here for you coz you're our ONE. We love you! Your comeback stage was daebak! And you're no. 5 in World Billboards! You're not just lucky, you're blessed! xoxo

Sunday, October 16, 2011

KHJ as Cover of Sparkling Magazine

Finally, I already have the copy of my Sparkling Mag!!!

And the only reason why I bought this mag is ................ none other than......of course, Kim Hyun Joong. He is the cover of third issue of this magazine. Incidentally, its second issue featured KyuSaeng here in Manila. I wasn't able to get a copy of it but I saw it because my friend has a copy. It actually features different Kpop thingy and many Kpop stars and groups but my attention is only for KHJ. Here are some of his pictures from the magazine.

The cover of the magazine

KHJ's activities in Manila

KHJ in Guerilla Date

I posted a picture of KARA because they're one of my favorite girl groups in Korea. I really like their latest song, STEP.

That's all, if you want to have your own copy of this magazine, just drop by to any National Bookstore outlet. For all Henecians out there, this is a must-have!!☺

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just My Thoughts...

Disclaimer: Everything I wrote here is just my personal opinion. Please respect my space :)

Yesterday, lots of news about him and his new mini album came out. Several issues were tackled since the press asked him a lot of questions. I will be discussing some of them today and I will try to insert my opinion about those matters. Please bear with me coz I'm a die-hard Henecian, and KHJ is the only one in my heart. Get it?

On his fascination on aliens:
That's given! Every KHJ fan knew that he's really fascinated with aliens and he wants to go to space. (me thinks he should have been an astronaut or a scientist working for NASA.) On his new album, you can see his created "woojusin" character from the cards and even on his MV and CD itself. Oh my, woojusin really got famous these days. I won't be surprised if a certain company or even KeyEast buys the right to make a cartoon show featuring woojusin. That's lotsa money for HJ and his company. LOL. (KeyEast is really lucky to have him on their company, and vice-versa.)

On his looks:
According to him, his looks in Breakdown resembles more of Zoro of One Piece. However, for this new album, its more of Sanji of the same animation. HJ is really fond of One Piece. Me thinks I should watch it, who knows I might get a chance to talk to HJ atleast we can talk about it. LOL. DREAM ON, ANNA!!!

Too soon for a follow-up album:
This is one of the issues being raised during his interview. Is his follow-up album too soon after debuting for BreakDown last June? He said "no" and he justified this by saying that he wants people to acknowledge him through his skills, not only by his face. This statement only proves that he wants to be taken seriously especially by those people who only like him because he's handsome whatsoever. My take on that? Hyun Joongie, you make me feel so proud of you. We all know that launching an album especially if you're a solo artist is not a walk in the park. You have to put in a lot of efforts and prepare yourself for the actual performance. The pressure is on! When you're in a group, it makes you feel less pressured because you're with co-members, however, HJ's case is different. But he took the challenge and he succeed! I also admire him because he already has plans for his career. Just last June, we were surprised to find out that another album is coming out this October. And this month, we were shocked again when he announced that he will release a digital single by November or December, and a possible album by January. So by January, are we expecting another article entitled "KHJ's comeback album too soon?" Screw it! HJ knows what he wants. Maybe others should follow him. :))

Up Against SNSD
Honestly, I am scared when I learned that he would release an album against this group. I admit that they're famous. Okay, they are famous. Why? Ask their fans, not me. Peace out!
Let me continue, we'll he's very much aware that his promotion will somehow overlap with them but he doesn't care because he just wants to perform and let the people hear his music. But of course, to his fans' perspective, we want him to win and going up against them is very tough. However, I really felt as ease when I saw his interview yesterday. I remember, SNSD was supposed to comeback first because they had to fix something regarding their US debut. Goodluck to them! As his fan, I want him to duplicate his MuBank and Mnet achievement. I dont care much about Inkigayo because this program gives more emphasis on digital sales. However, winning this would be a big bonus. Both SNSD and HJ will comeback next week. HJ will debut on Mnet on the 20th, while SNSD will perform first on MuBank on the 21st. Goodluck to both of them, and to HJ, I salute you!

Lucky guy, fighting!!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Kim Hyun Joong is BACK!!

This morning, the Henecian world was under spell as KHJ releases his album's photos. Twitter even had a problem and was stagnant for about an hour. LOL. Henecians were fainting because his pictures were totally different from the Break Down album photos. This time, he's alone unlike Break Down where his dancers, Artmatic had pics with him. His photos have that bad boy and naughty aura which every Henecian likes. Want proof?

I especially like the last pic. I dunno, I love the fact that even if his face isn't visible enough, you could see how good-looking he is already.

And that's just the teaser, what? Teaser! Coz this afternoon, his MV teaser was uploaded already on his official YT account. With the help of my TS friend, I was able to watch it immediately. We're very thankful to the available wifi near our office, that's from the bottom of our hearts!

I was actually stunned when I watched the video. It was totally different from his previous works. I'm so proud of you Hyun Joong! You're getting better and better! I could feel the emotions of every Henecian at that point. We are so proud of our Hyun Joong and at the same time we were excited to see the full MV and to listen to the whole song. The song was catchy and fun I think. For sure, HJ had a great time recording and making the video.

Right now, we have to be contented with the teaser. But on the 10th, we would be anxious again because another teaser will come out. On the 11th, the whole album will be OUT!

Faint! Faint! Faint!

Here is the first teaser of his upcoming 2nd mini album:

One big cheer for the ONLY ONE!! Kim Hyun Joong!

Now time to sleep, needs to go home tomorrow to spend my weekend with my family. :)