Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!

Take a deep breath.....

All right! This is me blogging from ..............................the Philippines. Yup! No White Christmas for me! But its okay. I'm still disappointed about some things but I still had fun celebrating Christmas with my family and friends. I think its not yet the right time for me to go there. God's will!

I don't want to disclose anything about it because I won't gain anything. One thing is sure, I don't know if I still want to go there after 6 months. But wait, before I talk about that, I wanna share how we had fun at the Christmas parties we had in and out of the office.

Christmas Party at KFC

We were not lucky unlike other companies to have big budget for their Christmas parties but one thing is for sure, we know how to have fun, so regardless of the place, we were able to manage. Let me share some pics at the party.

Our manager having his speech at the start of the party

Our hosts, TM Jason and TM Scotty

My team, Roselyn, Andi, Loren, Yena, Len, Lilian, Betsy, me, and Nelly :)

My team with TM Rhem

Me, Nelly, and Madz

Me, Ima, and June :)

AM Teachers' Christmas Party at the Office

Last December 23, before everyone went home we also had our Christmas party for the morning shift. We had a short time planning for the event but it went well, not to mention some gate crashers..lol. It was fun and memorable because it was the first we had one. There were games and presentations from the three teams. Had a blast, indeed!

the hostess, lol..

with Debbie and Madz

with my lovely teammates :)

Havin fun at the pantry while eating..

TMs and TLs Exchange Gifts

It's not over yet! Team managers and team leaders also had their exchange gifts. We also had fun with our little activity and of course picture taking especially the jumpshot with very limited space in the office. Crazy!

And of course, I took a pic of some of the gifts I received on that day. Wow! Thanks a lot! I love your gifts guys! Love you all!

The next day, I went home early to spend Christmas with the two most important people in my life, of course, my parents. We didn't cook any food for Noche Buena because we fell asleep. LOL. We went to church on Christmas Day and thank God for all the blessings.

This Christmas, I only have three wishes, for my family, the world, and of course for myself. May God continue to bless everyone in our family and of course, world peace. Sounds gasgas or what, but this is what I really hope for all races..and of course, for myself...I hope to see my angel finally next year. It's been years, and I want to settle my feelings already. I think it will only happen if I finally see you in person.

To everyone, Merry Christmas! :)