Tuesday, November 08, 2011

KHJ and his Popularity

There's no doubt, he is famous. His popularity is a no-brainer.

In the recently concluded Style Icon Awards, Kim Hyun Joong once again proven his immense popularity by winning the People's Choice for three consecutive years. That's amazing, right? He's now a hall of famer, at the age of 25. :)

How can I forget that event? He entered like a boss! Dashing! He shone brightest among the stars there. His opening performance was great and truly unmatched. If someone will watch his performance on that night and he's not aware about the award, probably one would think it's KHJ's concert! You want proof, here's the video of his performance that night.

However at the back of my mind, I think he doesn't need to prove anything in terms of popularity. Well, I don't mean we should stop voting for him, I guess we need to focus more on bigger awards.

Hopefully in the future, he would receive a Daesang for both acting and music.

Seems not impossible because HJ works really hard to improve his craft. :)