Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just My Thoughts...

Disclaimer: Everything I wrote here is just my personal opinion. Please respect my space :)

Yesterday, lots of news about him and his new mini album came out. Several issues were tackled since the press asked him a lot of questions. I will be discussing some of them today and I will try to insert my opinion about those matters. Please bear with me coz I'm a die-hard Henecian, and KHJ is the only one in my heart. Get it?

On his fascination on aliens:
That's given! Every KHJ fan knew that he's really fascinated with aliens and he wants to go to space. (me thinks he should have been an astronaut or a scientist working for NASA.) On his new album, you can see his created "woojusin" character from the cards and even on his MV and CD itself. Oh my, woojusin really got famous these days. I won't be surprised if a certain company or even KeyEast buys the right to make a cartoon show featuring woojusin. That's lotsa money for HJ and his company. LOL. (KeyEast is really lucky to have him on their company, and vice-versa.)

On his looks:
According to him, his looks in Breakdown resembles more of Zoro of One Piece. However, for this new album, its more of Sanji of the same animation. HJ is really fond of One Piece. Me thinks I should watch it, who knows I might get a chance to talk to HJ atleast we can talk about it. LOL. DREAM ON, ANNA!!!

Too soon for a follow-up album:
This is one of the issues being raised during his interview. Is his follow-up album too soon after debuting for BreakDown last June? He said "no" and he justified this by saying that he wants people to acknowledge him through his skills, not only by his face. This statement only proves that he wants to be taken seriously especially by those people who only like him because he's handsome whatsoever. My take on that? Hyun Joongie, you make me feel so proud of you. We all know that launching an album especially if you're a solo artist is not a walk in the park. You have to put in a lot of efforts and prepare yourself for the actual performance. The pressure is on! When you're in a group, it makes you feel less pressured because you're with co-members, however, HJ's case is different. But he took the challenge and he succeed! I also admire him because he already has plans for his career. Just last June, we were surprised to find out that another album is coming out this October. And this month, we were shocked again when he announced that he will release a digital single by November or December, and a possible album by January. So by January, are we expecting another article entitled "KHJ's comeback album too soon?" Screw it! HJ knows what he wants. Maybe others should follow him. :))

Up Against SNSD
Honestly, I am scared when I learned that he would release an album against this group. I admit that they're famous. Okay, they are famous. Why? Ask their fans, not me. Peace out!
Let me continue, we'll he's very much aware that his promotion will somehow overlap with them but he doesn't care because he just wants to perform and let the people hear his music. But of course, to his fans' perspective, we want him to win and going up against them is very tough. However, I really felt as ease when I saw his interview yesterday. I remember, SNSD was supposed to comeback first because they had to fix something regarding their US debut. Goodluck to them! As his fan, I want him to duplicate his MuBank and Mnet achievement. I dont care much about Inkigayo because this program gives more emphasis on digital sales. However, winning this would be a big bonus. Both SNSD and HJ will comeback next week. HJ will debut on Mnet on the 20th, while SNSD will perform first on MuBank on the 21st. Goodluck to both of them, and to HJ, I salute you!

Lucky guy, fighting!!