Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Random Thoughts

It's November 1!

You might think I rested all day since it's a holiday. Well, you're wrong! I spent the day as a usual day. I don't have a holiday, but it's okay. I already went to my hometown last weekend to visit my grandparents' and other relatives tombs. I'm praying that they're all happy in heaven with Lord, God. :)

So what's up after Halloween? Hmmm..
It's Christmas time!!! So what's your Christmas wish? Can you guess mine?
My wish is kinda recycled. I really want to see him. But how can I? I need to solve the puzzle. I need to know how would I feel when that certain moment happens. But how? and When?

I leave it all to God..
He knows what's best for me..
Although I strongly believe that it will happen soon..
I think he's preparing me and testing me if I'm really ready..

He's still the ONE.
He's still my ANGEL.