Friday, December 16, 2011

My Favorites...

Today, I had a lunch-out with some of my favorite people in the office. I don't consider them as my members but my friends. They were part of my team before but they belong to other teams now. Mhelody, on the other hand works in a different company but good thing, we still keep in touch. Rush was supposed to join but she's having dysmenorrhea, so she just stayed in the office.

It feels great to be with them because they're very special to me. We've been together in a team for almost two years, and I really treasure those times. Today, we were able to discuss a lot of things, like politics. Imagine, we're talking about the Supreme Court, P-Noy, GMA, and even Hacienda Luisita and other hot issues. We also talked about local films, Kris Aquino, and even George Estregan, Sr. Gosh! Thanks to Cian for that juicy info! Hahaha.

Mhelody came late because her class ends at 12KT. We we're there before 12, so we ordered our food already. Though it was Dutch treat, I bought soda and Cian bought halo-halo for us. Thanks, Cian! Advance Happy Birthday to our Prince....our prince coz he's the only thorn among the roses. LOL

Mhelody, Ima, and Cian

My food! Chicken pecho and rice, matched with soysauce with kalamansi, kekeke. The rice was unlimited so, I got one additional serving. Oh, I forgot I am on a diet these days.

This is June who's squeezing calamansi juice for his soy sauce. Go June, the more calamansi juice, the more tasty it is!

With June, who's feeling so tired after squeezing all the calamansi juices..LOl

Ima and Cian

I really love spending time with these guys. I am looking forward to more lunch-outs and more activities with them. I hope, we can be in one team again in the future.