Thursday, June 24, 2010

KIM HYUN JOONG is an ANGEL in disguise..

SS501’s front man Kim Hyun Joong along with BEAST recently visited the Philippines for the K-Pop meets P-Pop concert which is for the benefit of young mothers.

During the trip, Kim Hyun Joong visited the Abierta’s House of Friendship and was awarded a special plaque of appreciation because of his special donation of 1,000,000 Philippine pesos (around $22,000). Here’s the rundown courtesy of My Cozy Li’l Corner and

Other than attending the fan meeting on 18th June and the charity concert on 19th June, there was actually yet another important item on Kim Hyun Joong’s schedule in Manila, Philippines trip from 17th to 20th June, that is to receive the appreciation plaque from Abiertas House of Friendship – the charity organization that is the beneficiary of the concert- and also to visit the children from this organization/school. The organization had prepared it in thanks of his personal contribution of 1,000,000 pesos (approx Chinese yuan 150,000 or USD 22,000).

Kim Hyun Joong has already visited the actual site of Abiertas House of Friendship earlier this year. After seeing the condition of the school and the state that the children were in, he immediately decided to make a personal contribution of 1,000,000 pesos and this amount was transferred sometime in mid May.

The organization had immediately utilized his donation towards building the property for their senior high/college students. In addition, the organization will also name the said property after Kim Hyun Joong.

Further, Kim Hyun Joong had also agreed to participate in the charity concert held on 19th June, in the hope that his influence could raise more awareness and garner more support and help for these less privileged groups in the society, the helpless mothers and children.

As for the actual situation at this school and also of the organization’s deep love and appreciation towards Kim Hyun Joong, and also as to what activities Kim Hyun Joong had carried out in the school on that day of visit, I will be giving detailed description in my trip account later, so everyone, please do watch for it.

Some additional footnotes as follows:

The “Araneta Coliseum” that you see on the plaque is the name of the stadium where the charity concert was held. The original plan was to present this to Kim Hyun Joong at the stadium during the concert. But Kim Hyun Joong had declined the deed; he simply wanted to do something for them and didn’t want anything else. So the organization just presented him with their token of appreciation in the tiny conference room on their premises~~~~~


I'm so proud and thankful of KIM HYUN JOONG. He is not just beautiful outside, but beautiful inside. He is like an angel to every Triple S, but to all Filipinos who will benefit from this outstanding act. Hyun Joongie, you are really an angel in disguise. I hope that you enjoyed your short vacation in my country. And I hope that you will comeback to promote your next project and hopefully a concert with the rest of SS501.

Let me post some of the comments comin from allkpop.

I’m really touched. so many idols have come and go in the Philippines, but he’s the only person who really looked at the country. he even left a memory through the donation. that’s very nice of him. - nhukaise

he is so close to perfect…he is such an angel…he keeps doing a lot of charity…his fanclub too bcuz he advice his fanclub to do charity too…cmon 22 000 USD is a lot…i reali cant stop loving him…y is he sooo…i dont know what word to describe him…he is juz flat out amazing…i reali reali love him sooo much…getting to see him face to fece is my biggest dream…hope dat dream will come true…hyun joong oppa jjang…alenalee

i’ve read this before, but i dont get tired reading this! Leader-sshi is just so WOW!!! there’s no word that can describe how wonderful SS501 members are!!!! I already know that Kim hyun joong is kind, humble, down to earth,…tec, but i didn’t expect he would give so much! 1million peoes! that’s a lot! and he doesn’t want people to know this nor want any award in return! What a great person! we should learn from him!!! I’m so proub for being a TripleS!! SS501 ftw!!!! - SNSD4EVER2x

leader is not the type to flaunt good things he has done!!
he maybe quite and reserved but he has a good heart..
as filipinas who seen him here said “he is really an angel in face and character, only a halo and wings are missing from him” - hanaFrei

I always admire and amaze to Leader. He’s like an angel who sent by God.
He not only has beautiful face, but also a beautiful heart, pure like a gold, well-mannered, humble, generous, great personality, angelic smile, etc…
I know this isn’t his first time for donating the money, as we know he & other SS501 members love doing charity and spread the love to others who need it.
He did it not because want to get fame, he’s famous enough without doing these actions.
Love to read this >> “Kim Hyun Joong had declined the deed; he simply wanted to do something for them and didn’t want anything else”
If you read tawashe’s comment @40, you will know many fans have inspired by Leader to do charities.
May God blesses him. Way to go, Leader!
Good luck for SS501 current solo activities, I’ll be waiting for their come back for 2nd full album ^^ - fellyz501

“The original plan was to present this to Kim Hyun Joong at the stadium during the concert. But Kim Hyun Joong had declined the deed; he simply wanted to do something for them and didn’t want anything else.” — This part really made me proud!!!!
Leader, may the Lord bless you always.. You’re not only good-looking.. but also a kind-hearted man.. You’re an angel in disguise!! That’s why GreenPeas loves u so much!! - BarooGelic

One of the reasons why I’m very proud to be his fan. Despite his beautiful face, his heart is also as beautiful. Even though he’s going through a lot, the promotion, contract issue, and maybe other stuffs, he still give his time to help and care for other people. And he didnt want to brag about it, it shows how sincere he is in doing that, not just wanting attention from people.
He is an angel. I feel like calling him Angel Raphael now ^^
May God bless you always, our beloved Leader Kim Hyun Joong! - shunnie