Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong in the Philippines Part 2

And the KIM HYUN JOONG saga continues!

KHJ Fanmeet, June 18.

That day fell into a Friday, what do I expect, TRAFFIC, grrrrr! I haven't recovered from the Eat Bulaga guesting, my heart was still beating fast. After my shift, my friend and I went home immediately. Myra planned to meet her sister, so she was in a hurry, too. On my part, I wanted to go home early because I wanted to check the result of Music Bank that week. As soon as I got home, I turned on the pc while texting with unnie Alyn. I would be meeting her around 6pm and then we'll go to Crowne Plaza together. I was very happy when the hosts announced that SS501 won the MUbank for that week though the group already stopped their promotion.

Past 6, I met with Ate Alyn near Greenfields, then we rode on a taxi, with that not so-accommodating taxi driver. Sigh. Around 7pm, we lined up for the registration and entered the hall with other TS participating for the event. Honestly, I felt that I was lost. Lost. Nervous. Excited. As soon as we entered, we were also advised to get our food. There were a lot of food but I didn't have much desire to eat. Of course, that wasn't my reason to attend such event.
We were oriented about the do's and donts of the fanmeet. Well, it's so strict but I understand them.They just wanted Leader to feel comfortable. Unnie Lyd and Unnie Liz were so lucky because they won an autographed CD and were able to shake Leader's hand. I envy them. LOL.

The moment Leader entered, everyone was in awe. OMG. I was lost once again. Honestly, I didn't see him entering the door. When I looked at the door, I only saw the bodyguards. LOL. So I was looking for KHJ. When he was about to step on the stage, that's the time I got to see him. At first, I couldn't react. I was speechless. I was thinking of the right word I would say. I couldn't believe that he's actually in front of us...

KHJ greeted us, actually, I had a hard listening to him because the other TS were shouting. lol. He spoke in Filipino to my surprise! Trust me, he was too cute, adorable, amazing! hahaha. I didn't expect that he would really take time to memorize a Tagalog line. Woooh! He's too busy kasi. KHJ answered some of the questions, supposed to be 2 only but he said we could ask another one. No comment about the questions, I guess they're too safe and plain. LOL. The autographed CDs were awarded and 12 TS were able to stand on the same stage with Leader. Congrats guys, how I wish I was one of them. But I don't think it was the right thing for me at that time,I don't wanna make any scene and scare Leader. LOL.

We even greeted Leader a Happy Birthday song on that night. I remember we were rehearsing the Saeng il chukka song, and we just lack energy at that time, maybe we're all nervous. But when Leader was in front already, everybody was up on their feet. TS staff also presented two cakes for him, one for his birthday, and then the other one for SS501 5th year anniversary. They also gave him a Tissot wristwatch, he even commented "Filipinos are rich." LOL. After that, picture-taking with Leader followed.

Since we were only given around 20 minutes to be with him. We felt that it's so short. Well, I guess even if it's an hour, it wouldn't be enough. Right guys? hahaha. The moment Leader stepped out of the room, all of us SHOUT and released everything inside. Leader, KAMSAHAMNIDA! SARANGHE!

Personally, I felt that it was so short indeed. But to be with Leader in a hall even for 20 minutes is enough to make us extremely happy. To see an angel like him, is priceless indeed! I got to meet other TS, not only from the Philippines, but also from Thailand. Thanks Mel for being so friendly and nice. I hope to see you again, Thailand. :)

Here are some of the pictures that we took on that very special night with our angel, KIM HYUN JOONG.

These are the photos that we took after the fanmeet with other Triple S. :)

Before I sleept that night, my friends were teasing me. They're saying that I wouldn't be able to sleep because of KHJ. I was just smiling. I couldn't react, maybe because I was still floating in the air. LOL