Wednesday, June 30, 2010


SO..Don't dare bash Leader!

Let this entry declare my 501% support to the best kpop Leader who have sacrificed a lot for SS501.

Kim Hyun Joong, you are a wonderful leader and whatever antis say right now won't matter. It's your time to move to a higher level where you belong.

There might be some people who are unhappy with your decision. But I know in my heart that you have the best reason why you did it. I will support you all the way! Congratulations :)

To the Anti's, you guys wont succeed. BACK off guys! You're just wasting your time. You should just concentrate on your favs and let go of Hyun Joong. He is destined for superstardom. Just buy the CDs of your fav artists and play them a thousand times.

To all Triple S, trust KHJ, YS, KJ, HJB, and Mal! There is a big reason why these things are happening. THINK guys! Harder! Believe!