Thursday, June 03, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong in Manila

Before I go to Macau, this (rumor) news has been hunting me. I just thought that the possibility of it was very slim at that time since Kim Hyun Joong is a DSP artist while Beast is a Cube Entertainment boyband act. But when I came back from my trip, I learned that it is indeed true. Of course, as a fan of KHJ and SS501, Ive always dreamt of seeing them here in the Philippines. Unfortunately, I would be able to see KHJ only.

However, few days ago, the news that Kim Hyung Joong would be here with UKiss spread in different news portals. So I told myself, wow! 2/5 members of SS501 will be here. Of course, I am happy that finally they will be here. Although I must admit that I prefer having all the five members together in one concert. Well, maybe not now! Hopefully, my wish would be granted. I'm already feeling the excitement of seeing Hyun Joong and Baby here.

I can't wait to see my walking statue!♥♥♥

I hope and pray that both concerts will be successful.

Leader-ssi, Mabuhay!