Wednesday, June 30, 2010


SO..Don't dare bash Leader!

Let this entry declare my 501% support to the best kpop Leader who have sacrificed a lot for SS501.

Kim Hyun Joong, you are a wonderful leader and whatever antis say right now won't matter. It's your time to move to a higher level where you belong.

There might be some people who are unhappy with your decision. But I know in my heart that you have the best reason why you did it. I will support you all the way! Congratulations :)

To the Anti's, you guys wont succeed. BACK off guys! You're just wasting your time. You should just concentrate on your favs and let go of Hyun Joong. He is destined for superstardom. Just buy the CDs of your fav artists and play them a thousand times.

To all Triple S, trust KHJ, YS, KJ, HJB, and Mal! There is a big reason why these things are happening. THINK guys! Harder! Believe!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Philippine Star Article on Kim Hyun Joong

MANILA, Philippines - Without a doubt, K-Pop has swept and captured the hearts of many Filipino fans.

If you are wondering who the teenage group, tweens and even the twenty somethings are adoring these days, chances are they’ll tell you it’s the K-Pop groups.

The K-Pop infatuation continued last week when Filipino fans rapturously welcomed another popular Korean boy band group BEAST and heartthrob Kim Hyun Joong of the hugely popular Korean soap Boys over Flowers (BoF).

Hyun Joong and BEAST performed alongside with Pinoy pop groups, Pop Girls and XLR8 in a benefit concert for young unwed mothers billed K-Pop Meets P-Pop last Saturday at the Araneta Coliseum. Part of the concert proceeds went to the Abiertas House of Friendship (AHF), a non-government organization that supports women with children out of wedlock. In an interview, Hyun Joong and Beast said this advocacy means a lot to them and that’s why they decided to give part of the proceeds to the organization.

The crowd at the concert was a mix of young Filipino and Korean fans who were armed with glowsticks, fanboards and of course, their cameras. Omitted ~ unrelate

Everytime a music video BEASE performed their hits Special, Bad Girl, Mystery, Oasis, EasyShock. A "kilig" moment at the concert was when Beast members sang “Oasis” while throwing away long-stemmed red roses to the audience. During the interview portion, Beast thanked their Filipino fans for the outpour of love and support and promised to come back again to the Philippines. Meanwhile, the P-pop counterparts XLR8 and P-Pop also gave outstanding performances proving that Filipinos is at par with the Korean idols.

But the night belonged to the very handsome Hyun Joong.

Filipino fans more than heartily welcomed Hyun Joong when he arrived at the NAIA last week. Michelle, 14, is impressed at Hyun Joong’s finely-chiseled looks, flawless skin and soulful eyes. But more than that, she likes how talented he was as an actor, singer and dancer. “Aside from that, he is very gentlemanly and refined. He is really gorgeous,” she said.

At the concert, fans were cheering and chanting his name non-stop. When he finally came onstage, the crowd grew wild and loud with screaming. Hyun Joong performed three songs including the hit Please be nice to me.

He became popular in the Philippines via the hit 2009 Korean drama series Boys over Flowers, where he plays the character of Yoo Ji Hoo, the charismatic gentleman of the F4 group. Hyun Joong is also the leader of the SS501 which produced popular hits like Because I’m Stupid and Making A Lover, which are both included in the OST of BOF.

At the concert, Hyun Joong was dapper in an all-white suit and gamely answered all questions. Pinoy fans were touched by his sincerity and enthusiasm to familiarize himself with the country. When he was here, he granted a lot of interviews, held a fanmeet and guested in a noontime show. He said he wanted to get to know and eventually gain Filipino friends here.

Hyun Joong endeared himself more to the fans when he spoke in Tagalog, especially when he said "Gusto ko kayo Makilala", "Kamusta Kayo", "Mahal ko Kayo" and "Maraming salamat po". Saying these phrases made the crowd went wild again. Asked if it he could like a Pinay and eventually have a girlfriend, Hyun Joong said he wants to get to know that somebody first and be friends and see where it would lead. He also said he was fascinated by the Philippines for its fresh air and wonderful nature spots. Hyun Joong also said in a previous interview that he is single at the moment. Asked what qualities he likes in a girl, Hyun Joong said he wants someone who could make him laugh and willing to be friends first.

Another highlight of the concert was when the audience greeted him a happy birthday with matching cake to boot. Hyun Joong celebrated his 25th birthday last June 6. K-Pop die-hard fans Gelli de Belen and Candy Pangilinan brought the cake for him at the stage. Fans felt how much Hyun Joong appreciated the sweet gesture and they want him to come back to the Philippines soon.

He was also asked if he knew there was a SS501 fan club here in Manila and he said he was surprised to learn there was and promised he would include Manila in their itinerary when their band tours Asia. The group’s official fan club in the country, Triple S Philippines were in full force at the concert.

The most applauded or ear-drum breaking moment (due to the squealing) was when he sang his popular song Please be nice to me, looking so suave and well, cool in doing the dance moves.

If anything, the concert proved how much Pinoy fans truly adore Hyun Joong.

He promised his fans that he would come back to the country and try the food here and other stuff and also expressed his intention to do a drama. The night ended with Hyun Joong, the Beast, XL8R and Pop Girls singing Michael Jackson’s Heal the World with young students.

Source: www.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong in the Philippines Part 2

And the KIM HYUN JOONG saga continues!

KHJ Fanmeet, June 18.

That day fell into a Friday, what do I expect, TRAFFIC, grrrrr! I haven't recovered from the Eat Bulaga guesting, my heart was still beating fast. After my shift, my friend and I went home immediately. Myra planned to meet her sister, so she was in a hurry, too. On my part, I wanted to go home early because I wanted to check the result of Music Bank that week. As soon as I got home, I turned on the pc while texting with unnie Alyn. I would be meeting her around 6pm and then we'll go to Crowne Plaza together. I was very happy when the hosts announced that SS501 won the MUbank for that week though the group already stopped their promotion.

Past 6, I met with Ate Alyn near Greenfields, then we rode on a taxi, with that not so-accommodating taxi driver. Sigh. Around 7pm, we lined up for the registration and entered the hall with other TS participating for the event. Honestly, I felt that I was lost. Lost. Nervous. Excited. As soon as we entered, we were also advised to get our food. There were a lot of food but I didn't have much desire to eat. Of course, that wasn't my reason to attend such event.
We were oriented about the do's and donts of the fanmeet. Well, it's so strict but I understand them.They just wanted Leader to feel comfortable. Unnie Lyd and Unnie Liz were so lucky because they won an autographed CD and were able to shake Leader's hand. I envy them. LOL.

The moment Leader entered, everyone was in awe. OMG. I was lost once again. Honestly, I didn't see him entering the door. When I looked at the door, I only saw the bodyguards. LOL. So I was looking for KHJ. When he was about to step on the stage, that's the time I got to see him. At first, I couldn't react. I was speechless. I was thinking of the right word I would say. I couldn't believe that he's actually in front of us...

KHJ greeted us, actually, I had a hard listening to him because the other TS were shouting. lol. He spoke in Filipino to my surprise! Trust me, he was too cute, adorable, amazing! hahaha. I didn't expect that he would really take time to memorize a Tagalog line. Woooh! He's too busy kasi. KHJ answered some of the questions, supposed to be 2 only but he said we could ask another one. No comment about the questions, I guess they're too safe and plain. LOL. The autographed CDs were awarded and 12 TS were able to stand on the same stage with Leader. Congrats guys, how I wish I was one of them. But I don't think it was the right thing for me at that time,I don't wanna make any scene and scare Leader. LOL.

We even greeted Leader a Happy Birthday song on that night. I remember we were rehearsing the Saeng il chukka song, and we just lack energy at that time, maybe we're all nervous. But when Leader was in front already, everybody was up on their feet. TS staff also presented two cakes for him, one for his birthday, and then the other one for SS501 5th year anniversary. They also gave him a Tissot wristwatch, he even commented "Filipinos are rich." LOL. After that, picture-taking with Leader followed.

Since we were only given around 20 minutes to be with him. We felt that it's so short. Well, I guess even if it's an hour, it wouldn't be enough. Right guys? hahaha. The moment Leader stepped out of the room, all of us SHOUT and released everything inside. Leader, KAMSAHAMNIDA! SARANGHE!

Personally, I felt that it was so short indeed. But to be with Leader in a hall even for 20 minutes is enough to make us extremely happy. To see an angel like him, is priceless indeed! I got to meet other TS, not only from the Philippines, but also from Thailand. Thanks Mel for being so friendly and nice. I hope to see you again, Thailand. :)

Here are some of the pictures that we took on that very special night with our angel, KIM HYUN JOONG.

These are the photos that we took after the fanmeet with other Triple S. :)

Before I sleept that night, my friends were teasing me. They're saying that I wouldn't be able to sleep because of KHJ. I was just smiling. I couldn't react, maybe because I was still floating in the air. LOL

Thursday, June 24, 2010

KIM HYUN JOONG is an ANGEL in disguise..

SS501’s front man Kim Hyun Joong along with BEAST recently visited the Philippines for the K-Pop meets P-Pop concert which is for the benefit of young mothers.

During the trip, Kim Hyun Joong visited the Abierta’s House of Friendship and was awarded a special plaque of appreciation because of his special donation of 1,000,000 Philippine pesos (around $22,000). Here’s the rundown courtesy of My Cozy Li’l Corner and

Other than attending the fan meeting on 18th June and the charity concert on 19th June, there was actually yet another important item on Kim Hyun Joong’s schedule in Manila, Philippines trip from 17th to 20th June, that is to receive the appreciation plaque from Abiertas House of Friendship – the charity organization that is the beneficiary of the concert- and also to visit the children from this organization/school. The organization had prepared it in thanks of his personal contribution of 1,000,000 pesos (approx Chinese yuan 150,000 or USD 22,000).

Kim Hyun Joong has already visited the actual site of Abiertas House of Friendship earlier this year. After seeing the condition of the school and the state that the children were in, he immediately decided to make a personal contribution of 1,000,000 pesos and this amount was transferred sometime in mid May.

The organization had immediately utilized his donation towards building the property for their senior high/college students. In addition, the organization will also name the said property after Kim Hyun Joong.

Further, Kim Hyun Joong had also agreed to participate in the charity concert held on 19th June, in the hope that his influence could raise more awareness and garner more support and help for these less privileged groups in the society, the helpless mothers and children.

As for the actual situation at this school and also of the organization’s deep love and appreciation towards Kim Hyun Joong, and also as to what activities Kim Hyun Joong had carried out in the school on that day of visit, I will be giving detailed description in my trip account later, so everyone, please do watch for it.

Some additional footnotes as follows:

The “Araneta Coliseum” that you see on the plaque is the name of the stadium where the charity concert was held. The original plan was to present this to Kim Hyun Joong at the stadium during the concert. But Kim Hyun Joong had declined the deed; he simply wanted to do something for them and didn’t want anything else. So the organization just presented him with their token of appreciation in the tiny conference room on their premises~~~~~


I'm so proud and thankful of KIM HYUN JOONG. He is not just beautiful outside, but beautiful inside. He is like an angel to every Triple S, but to all Filipinos who will benefit from this outstanding act. Hyun Joongie, you are really an angel in disguise. I hope that you enjoyed your short vacation in my country. And I hope that you will comeback to promote your next project and hopefully a concert with the rest of SS501.

Let me post some of the comments comin from allkpop.

I’m really touched. so many idols have come and go in the Philippines, but he’s the only person who really looked at the country. he even left a memory through the donation. that’s very nice of him. - nhukaise

he is so close to perfect…he is such an angel…he keeps doing a lot of charity…his fanclub too bcuz he advice his fanclub to do charity too…cmon 22 000 USD is a lot…i reali cant stop loving him…y is he sooo…i dont know what word to describe him…he is juz flat out amazing…i reali reali love him sooo much…getting to see him face to fece is my biggest dream…hope dat dream will come true…hyun joong oppa jjang…alenalee

i’ve read this before, but i dont get tired reading this! Leader-sshi is just so WOW!!! there’s no word that can describe how wonderful SS501 members are!!!! I already know that Kim hyun joong is kind, humble, down to earth,…tec, but i didn’t expect he would give so much! 1million peoes! that’s a lot! and he doesn’t want people to know this nor want any award in return! What a great person! we should learn from him!!! I’m so proub for being a TripleS!! SS501 ftw!!!! - SNSD4EVER2x

leader is not the type to flaunt good things he has done!!
he maybe quite and reserved but he has a good heart..
as filipinas who seen him here said “he is really an angel in face and character, only a halo and wings are missing from him” - hanaFrei

I always admire and amaze to Leader. He’s like an angel who sent by God.
He not only has beautiful face, but also a beautiful heart, pure like a gold, well-mannered, humble, generous, great personality, angelic smile, etc…
I know this isn’t his first time for donating the money, as we know he & other SS501 members love doing charity and spread the love to others who need it.
He did it not because want to get fame, he’s famous enough without doing these actions.
Love to read this >> “Kim Hyun Joong had declined the deed; he simply wanted to do something for them and didn’t want anything else”
If you read tawashe’s comment @40, you will know many fans have inspired by Leader to do charities.
May God blesses him. Way to go, Leader!
Good luck for SS501 current solo activities, I’ll be waiting for their come back for 2nd full album ^^ - fellyz501

“The original plan was to present this to Kim Hyun Joong at the stadium during the concert. But Kim Hyun Joong had declined the deed; he simply wanted to do something for them and didn’t want anything else.” — This part really made me proud!!!!
Leader, may the Lord bless you always.. You’re not only good-looking.. but also a kind-hearted man.. You’re an angel in disguise!! That’s why GreenPeas loves u so much!! - BarooGelic

One of the reasons why I’m very proud to be his fan. Despite his beautiful face, his heart is also as beautiful. Even though he’s going through a lot, the promotion, contract issue, and maybe other stuffs, he still give his time to help and care for other people. And he didnt want to brag about it, it shows how sincere he is in doing that, not just wanting attention from people.
He is an angel. I feel like calling him Angel Raphael now ^^
May God bless you always, our beloved Leader Kim Hyun Joong! - shunnie

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong in the Philippines Part 1

Honestly, I'm having a hard time writing a fan account about his visit here in the Philippines. I think I am not yet ready, so my apologies if it will sound like a television series, full of to be continued. Trust me, it's not easy to write everything you experienced, felt, and witnessed.

So, how do I start? Wah! Tough. Tough. Tough.

Okay, let me begin with my story about the rumor last May. Okay, before we went to Macau, there was a rumor that he's actually coming. I immediately felt nervous about it. Thinking of him coming to the Philippines is really an issue for me. A big thing indeed! Well, I must admit, I laughed because I was thinking that maybe they're just using his name for a promo of another band who doesn't belong to a same agency as him. However, at the back of my mind, I'm thinking "What if it's true that he's really coming?" OMG!

Since we went to Macau, I did not bother to think of it anymore. Besides, Macau is enough already to think of my KHJ since they shot some scenes of BOF there. Wah, the Macau entry isn't finished yet. OMG talaga.

Fastforward! Monday, May 24 around 12:30 am, as soon as I arrived in the apartment, I immediately checked TSPH site and I saw the reservation thread already. Ofcourse, I immediately signed up for the VIP seats. I wanted to shout but I couldn't, I was so thrilled! TSPH has confirmed the rumor and the staff coordinated with VIVA already. I said, "WOW, kudos Viva!" Galing! They would be able to bring the hottest Asian star to the Philippines. Aside from this, I had to call Viva office and Araneta Coliseum to make sure that the news is RIGHT. I even searched my former officemate's FB account who's working in Viva to send her a message and ask if this is indeed true. I don't want to be disappointed in the end so I wanna make sure, it's real.

That week, I was convinced that yeah, he's comin' OMG! I was trembling!

I was supposed to watch U-Kiss concert but because Kim Hyung Joon did not continue his guesting due to their promotion in Korea, I didn't watch anymore. Besides, that's another expense for me. Of course, my priority would be Leader. Also, I promised myself that if I'm goin to watch a concert, it should be KHJ's concert. I was constantly talking to my online friends from Hyunnies Philippines about the concert and like me, they're also excited about the concert. We were even thinking of the possible numbers he would render at the concert. Ate Alyn, anu-ano nga ba yun? kkkkkk.

It was June 16 when I got my ticket. God knows how much I took care of that tix. I really put it in a safe place to make sure I won't lost it. Of course, it's my pass to see the second most important man in my life. Lol. I think I came home around 11pm because we have to get the tix in Regalla Tower. I was with ate Alyn that time. There, I met other Hyunnies, Unnie Lyd and Unnie Liz, ate neriz, and many others. Sorry girls, I'm poor in memorizing names. I also signed up for the fanmeet scheduled on June 18. I won't let this opportunity to see him. lol.

June 17, around 1pm, I checked my Twitter account using my cellphone and I found out that my angel has actually arrived safely. I couldn't react, I was very happy, excited, nervous, what else, name it, I felt it. Here are the videos of his concert teaser, arrival and his interview at 24 Oras. Although a lot of people criticized the way the reporters pronounced his name, I didn't mind it already, all I know is KHJ is here and I couldn't be any happier.

Would you believe that I even recorded that news using my cellphone? LOL.

June 18, I learned that he stayed at Crowne Plaza in Ortigas, which is near Robinsons Galleria. To be honest, our office is very near that hotel but I couldn't afford to leave my job. I had to wait for the fanmeeting and the concert. On the same day, I found out that he would have a guesting at Eat Bulaga. I prefer him to appear on this show rather than the other one because there are more Filipinos who watch that show. Good thing that my 230 student postponed her class! Woh! Thanks Losa. Good thing Madel has a phone equipped with TV. We really waited for him to be called. My GosH! we waited for a long time and if I were KHJ and the rest of his team, I would feel bored. Here's the video of his Eat Bulaga guesting. Gosh! How dare them call him "Kim" lol. There are a lot of Mr. Kim in Korea.

In this interview, KHJ was very funny and charming... as usual. He tried to speak a little Tagalog words like "Kumusta po kayo? and Maraming salamat po." Waaaaaaaah! I was shouting and screaming in front of my supervisor and operations manager. LOL.

He also appeared in other GMA programs like Startalk, Showbiz Central, and Q-TV's Tweetbitz and News on Q. Here are the videos.

He also guested in MYX. Here's the video.

He will be featured in KaBlog, another TV show in GMA7 this coming weekend.

Wooooooh! I can't breathe. These are just TV guestings and I'm not yet finished with my KHJ experience. I think I have to cut this entry and make another entry about the fanmeet and concert.

But before I close this entry, let me extend my thank you to the organizers of his fanmeet and concert here in the Philippines. To Viva Concerts, GMA-7, Myx Philippines, Underwood Productions, and Abiertas, different newspapers and radio stations who served as sponsors, KAMSAHAMNIDA from the bottom of my heart.

Friday, June 18, 2010


What's new? I changed the link of my blog, from arsenal31 to

And of course! KIM HYUN JOONG is finally here in Manila.
Here are some of the fancams of his visit here in Manila.

More fancans in the coming days.
I dunno how I feel right now, I'm just overwelmed. Knowing Leader is just around makes me feel really great. I soooo love Leader, and hope he enjoys his visit here. Hopefully, he'll come back with the other 4 princes.

Monday, June 14, 2010

KHJ.. SS501...

Congrats to SS501 for winning their first Music Bank for the song Love Ya :) I'm just so proud of them. More, more, more, please!

The boys continue to promote their new album DESTINATION, which I believe is the no. 1 album in Korea right now! Congrats to SS501! I wish that the promotion will be longer so that I still see them together. You know what, even if I'm a Hyun Joong bias, I always feel Leader's happiness when he's with the other 4. Just hang on guys, everything will be okay!

By the way, I saw this pic taken in Macau, in Senado. Does the place look familiar? Hehehe. I really love this place, this is where I fell in love with him. Lol. Actually, it looks great at night however, we went there early in the morning. TT
Going back to HJL, they guested in Youngstreet recently, and I saw this pic of them. Look at that child at the corner laughing like there's no tomorrow. Gosh! He's such an angel :).

This pic was taken during their performance in Music Core. I just love them when they're wearing white. Angels. Angels.

New CF? Meet my new Zorro! Even without mask, he looks great! What more when he removes it? kkkkk. the fangirl in me!

4 more days before KHJ's concert in the Philippines. Hyunnies and Triple S are all excited. I still can't think of the numbers he'll perform but whatever he does, he's KHJ. ^^
Next time, I'm going to comment on Goo Hye Sun matching Sandara Park with our Leader. ^^ A bit late, but better than having none at all. :)

Sunday, June 06, 2010


Music: currently listening to RIZE UP.

Today is a very special day because someone very special to me is celebrating his 24th birthday. In Korean, he's celebrating his 25th birthday but internationally, he's just 24. Every Triple S and Hyunnies, and BOF fanatic know him. He is KIM HYUN JOONG, the leader of SS501.

I came to know him because of Boys Over Flower. Honestly, I'm not supposed to watch that series because I already know the story. I felt that if I would be watching it, I would just waste my time since I know the flow of the story and how it would end. But when I saw him, I found the best reason why I should stick watching that drama.

While watching, I begun searching things about him. I found out that he is actually the leader of the Korean group, SS501 or Double S oh gong il. I was mesmerized by their personalities and talent and charisma. They may not be the most famous Korean boyband, but in my heart, I've learned to appreciate them. Deep in my heart, they're the best. I love all of their songs which suit my taste in music. What I like about their music is their versatility and passion to make every Triple S happy. SS501 is no. 1.

There are a lot of reasons why I like him. Physically, he's one of the good-looking Korean I've ever seen. But it's his charisma and personality which separate him from the rest. He's not the typical artist you would know. He is honest and very spontaneous. And he's loyal to his friends. No matter how famous he is now, he has maintained good relationship with his old friends. Every Triple S knows that!

Dream Project for KHJ?
Hmmm.. I have a lot actually! hehe. I want him to star in a movie/drama with Yonsama. A lot of people see the similarities between them, so I think it would be great to see them act in a same project!
Next would be a historical action series wherein he could showcase his power. I've seen him acting in Nonstop and I felt that the role suits him.
And, I want him to star in a project wherein he could show his great acting skills. I hate those people who criticized him for his acting in BOF. IMO, he did well in BOF, and he was the best RUI ever, no matter how many BOF comes in the future.

WISHes for Leader?

You almost have everything! But since it's your birthday, my wish would be happiness and good health. You always work harder, but take care of yourself.

Cheers to SS501 Leader, the best leader in the music world!

I can't wait to see him here in the Philippines. Hyun Joongie, see you on the 19th of June. ^^ Triple S Philippines and Hyunnies Philippines are all waiting for you.
Love Ya! <3<3<3

Happy Birthday Leader! Mwah :)

Friday, June 04, 2010

Leader in Manila

Gosh! He's really comin' OMG!
15 more days and I would be able to see him in person already.
I'm getting nervous! Leader, why are you doing this to me? Lol.

Just found this in Youtube. OMG! He's such a cutie! I really didn't expect this but me and my Triple S friends will take it. Hyun joongie, we're very excited to see you. Fighting!

On the other hand, I feel sorry for all Triple S who were expecting to see Baby in a fanmeeting. Maybe, it's not the right time. Maybe next time, all the members will be here for the fanmeeting. Let's just smile and continue supporting Ukiss with Baby on the 14th.

Actually, I will watch both concerts. However, we will only settle for the gen ad tix on the 14th since my priority is Leader's concert. But of course, I love both of them. Johanna and Lhyza will be joining me on the 14th. Lhyza will also watch on the 19th for Leader and Beast concert in AC.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong in Manila

Before I go to Macau, this (rumor) news has been hunting me. I just thought that the possibility of it was very slim at that time since Kim Hyun Joong is a DSP artist while Beast is a Cube Entertainment boyband act. But when I came back from my trip, I learned that it is indeed true. Of course, as a fan of KHJ and SS501, Ive always dreamt of seeing them here in the Philippines. Unfortunately, I would be able to see KHJ only.

However, few days ago, the news that Kim Hyung Joong would be here with UKiss spread in different news portals. So I told myself, wow! 2/5 members of SS501 will be here. Of course, I am happy that finally they will be here. Although I must admit that I prefer having all the five members together in one concert. Well, maybe not now! Hopefully, my wish would be granted. I'm already feeling the excitement of seeing Hyun Joong and Baby here.

I can't wait to see my walking statue!♥♥♥

I hope and pray that both concerts will be successful.

Leader-ssi, Mabuhay!