Tuesday, April 10, 2007

my thank yous...

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I want to thank all of the people who made my birthday special..la lang..just to show my deepest appreciation of greeting me on my birthday...

to jownah, pherl, and nelly......who went with me in Moro,

my other ofismates..cheska, jo, ate rodz, ria, gilbert, ate lyn, myra, margie, jam, teacher jason, and don,

alen...the first one who texted and greeted me on the morning of April 9,

esel, gladys (lordy's sweetie..wahaha..), hannah, xtine, jill, and other Arriba pals,

to my students especially to glad, wendy, & sarah,

my bestfriend, who texted me last night..miss you na rin po..

JA...(what can I say?)

My tito and tita..ate lirio..

and to my parents..


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my 710MWF class drawing....