Wednesday, April 18, 2007

JOHN MADE IT! yahoooooo...........

MOOD: unexplainable :-)

Sometimes, I can't understand myself. I can be very timid in a minute but I can do crazy things in a second. Scary ryt? lol..Although, I admit, Im a shy-type of person, there are times that I couldn't control myself to do ridiculous things especially when it concerns Mr. ****. Only him can make that effect on me. Well, I've discovered that many years ago and it's not really a big deal for me. As long as it makes me extra happy, I don't give a damn.

By the way, check this out...haha..It's confirmed! JA made it to the AllStars line up!Waaaaaaaaaah..I don't know how to express my happiness. Will I shout? Will I scream?lol. All of these are just understatements of what the Arriba members and me are feeling right now. I just love it! Immediately, I texted the members that I know to inform them of this great news. Oh, I really love it! Even if I can't see it live, it's okay with me. knowing him to be part of that elite group of players is enough already. If I have known it yesterday, then I would have greeted him personally over the phone. I called Esel kc yesterday while she's in Moro and I had a precious chance to talk to John! I just said "hi" and asked how's their practice. Homestly, I just want to hear his voice. lol. I can't wait to see him on Friday and congratulate him personally. Gosh! it's his 4th or fifth times na to be selected on the line-up..This calls for a celebration!lol. Magpapainom nito si Alen!lol

Congratulations John!