Tuesday, April 10, 2007

my bday..

Yesterday, I celebrated my birthday and I have to say..it's a mixed emotion. Mixed emotion, in the sense that my parents are in the province and I didn't celebrate that special day with me. They texted and greeted me but it's still different if your're with your family during your birthday.tssk..tssk..well, that's life..you cannot have the best of both worlds. On the other hand, I'm happy coz me and my "dear" officemates na sobrang lalakas ng loob went to Moro and watched Coke practice. Yeh! you read it right! we saw the team practicing. It's all because of Jona, Nelly, and Pherl.haha. Because of their GUTS, we we're able to sit down in the gym and watch the team practiced. Kung ako lang kc e okay na sa kin na maghintay sa labas but they really insisted to go inside. Thanks a lot gurls! You really made my day! You are right! That is my day and I had to take advantage of it, di ba Pherl?

(I guess that was my price for the day. Asar na asar kc ako dun sa isa kong student. He's really giving me headache. If he wants to stick to his so-called "BOOK" then so be it! Bahala xa. I was just thinking of giving him more materials so that he can learn more, but if he's not appreciating it, FINE with me. I have other students who are very appreciative and who are more willing to learn.)

Hay..ang haba ng flashback! well, time to cheer up coz we're at the practice. There, we saw the new players of Coke (Ken, Alex, and Ricky and ofcourse JA and company. If there's one thing that made me sad during that time was the fact that Denoc was not there. Yeah, he was traded to SLR...sad, but life has to go on! Goodluck na lang to him. There, we also saw Mr. Danny Espiritu, Ken's manager..and JA's manager, too. Yeap, last night ko lang nalaman from Jason that he is JA's new manager. Maybe that's the reason why he's always talking to JA during games. We also saw Hec2or who offerred us something..ayoki ng magcoment. Basta, if its true, thank you na lang to JY. After the practice, we saw JA sat on the bench but we did not approach him coz he's still busy. Nga pala, throughout our stay there, I was texting with Yhan, Alen, and Esel.

I asked my officemates to just wait outside coz it was hot inside. Outside, picture taking muna, d ba Nelly? Kahit anong background, mapa puno, kotse..okay lang!wahahaaa...ang tagal kc ni JA. So after 40 years, JA came out and I approached him pero he already saw me and he was wearing that nice smile for all of us. He said hello to me and I introduced him to my friends. "These are my friends, Pherl, Nelly, and Jownah."wahahaa.. Then, kwentuhan na. Well, I tolf him that it was my birthday today and of course, he greeted me. haha..malamang! Then, we talked about the trade and he said that he's happy with the trade, although he's a little sad to loose Denoc. He mentioned also that we should give Alex the benefit of the doubt. He's doing well naman daw. Well, good for him! Ano pa nga bang pinag-usapan namin.hehe..nakalimutan ko na. Ah, he said that they have a game on Wednesday and that Jason's sis will be joining us. Hay..baka makita na naman ako nito sa TV..joke! I forgot to tell him that Alen will also be watching..Sayang! He also said that they'll be having a lunch to welcome the new players on the team. Saya naman! I even told him that I'm making a new website for him and I'll be giving her a questionaire for his profile.

Time really flies so fast. We have to say bye2 to him now coz we have to go back to work and ofcourse, he has to go to Libis. So, "see you later" na lang.wahaha..

Before leaving Moro, umiral na naman ang pagiging camera-addict namin. In short, picturan ulit.lol. Nadaanan tuloy kami ni JA dun na parang mga bata. Basta, ang kulit..wahahaha...and then he stopped and asked where we're heading to. I said we're going to Katipunan..and then he offerred us to take us there. Ang bait talaga!Xempre, while inside the car, picturan galore ulit. I also sent my regards to JA's Princess Kara. Hay, kelan ko kaya ulit xa mamimeet? The car stopped in front of KFC..and then, it's time to say bye2 ulit to JA. We had lunch at KFC, which was the venue of JA's fans day in 2003. What a coincidence!

Wow! what can I say? My birthday is nothing but GREAT! Thanks to my friends, JOWNAH, PHERL, & NELLY for tolerating my obsession whatever..haha..and to JA for making it super special. Thanks JA! I really appreciate your kindness and your open-mindedness. Go Tigers!