Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Games "Fever"

I admit I'm one of those who are eager to watch the movie, which is based on the novel with the same title. Tomorrow, I'm gonna watch it with my friend. Some of my officemates have watched the film and they told me that it's great. I've also read some reviews about it and I think majority of them was affirmative of the film.

As a fan of the novel, I'm not expecting that it would be 100% translated into the movie. Of course, it's very difficult to squeeze everything in a 2-hr film. I am not also expecting a lot because I have experienced being frustrated with some movies in the past. When I watched the trailer, I felt like it's great, it's awesome. But when I watched it, duh! Non-sense at all. So, I'm still hopeful that this movie will wow me to the fullest.

I like the actress, Jennifer Lawrence, who's portraying the role of Katniss, the lead role. She's one of the most talented actress in the Hollywood right now. I think she will go places! And with Hunger Games and the remaining novel-turned movies, Catching Fire and Mockingjay, I think she will be Hollywood's Girl on Fire!

Personally, I'm not fond of reading books turned into movies. This is the first time I got addicted, honestly. Why? I think it's because of Katniss. I just love her character as a strong and independent woman. Usually, women are portrayed as weak in most films. They depend mostly on men in order to survive. But here, it's different. I think a lot of women will be inspired by her story. WOMAN POWER!

With regards to her "men," I think I like Gale more. Haha. I prefer men who are physically fit. In the story, Gale looks more masculine and fit compared to Peeta.

Here is the trailer of the movie.

I'm anticipating a lot of interesting and exciting movies this year. I will blog about them in the coming days. :) For now, I will enjoy Hunger Games.

"May the odds be ever in your favor!"