Monday, March 19, 2012

Cavite Escapade

It was already 3pm when we finally rode on a bus to Cavite. We planned to meet around 12:30 but we failed to leave before 1pm. While on the bus, me and Lhyza were having fun surfing the net. Haha.Thanks to Alfred for the free wifi. :)

Why are we going to Cavite in the first place? Well, it's Rhem's birthday and she invited us to celebrate it in Cavite with her family. Flattering indeed! kekeke.

Around 6pm, we finally arrived at Rhem's house. Wooooh!Traffic condition was so terrible!Thank God, I brought my ipod. I spent three hours listening to my favorite songs. We met her mother, aunts, uncle, brothers and sister. Her sister's name is the same as mine. Hehe. We also met two adorable kids, CJ and Tonton. It's my first time to meet Tonton but Em always tells me cute things about him. And we have the same thing in common! We both like Dirk Nowitzki. :) CJ is Em's brother's daughter. She's just 6 months old.

We just took a rest for a few hours and got ready to go to the swimming pool. I guess everyone was so excited to swim, well, with the exception of me. I'm not really fond of swimming. I had enough when I was young. I used to go to the sea every weekend when I was young, so the idea of swimming doesn't thrill me much. But of course, since it's Rhem's birthday, I want to have fun with them. We rode on a tricycle to get to the resort. The security was very strict. Good!But please, do not shake and open our Coke especially if it is still locked. You're makin me pissed, mr. Security Guard!

They started to swim already, but I felt so uncomfortable because it's VERY COLD!! as in it's SUPER COLD! Lhyza joined the others who were so excited to swim. I was left with my ipod, phone, and our friendly wifi. :)) When the food was already ready, they went back to the cottage and we ate together. I was so full! Gosh! Dieting is the last word in my dictionary. Around 1am when I finally decided to swim, waaaaaaaaaah! It was damn COLD there!! But it was fun! Really! It was fun taking pictures underwater. Thanks to TM Ninya's waterproofed camera. It was so difficult to open my eyes when I'm under. As a result, my pictures looked terrible. Huhuhu.

Around 3am, I decided to take a bath already. It was fun swimming but it's tiring! Besides, it's getting colder and colder outside. We're allowed to stay until 4am at the resort. By 4am, we went home to rest and sleep. I occupied the sofa in the living room, and the moment I closed my eyes, I immediately fell asleep.

Around 9:30 am, when I woke up. I saw the other having breakfast already. I had 5 hours of sleep and I felt that I should sleep more. However, it's getting hotter already and sleeping too much isn't healthy, too. I joined the ohers for breakfast. Fried rice with adobo matched with coffee...yummy!

After that, we watched an Indian movie about a kid with dyslexia. It was such a good movie for teachers and students. Indeed, every child is special and we must take care of them. They might not be all intelligent and smart, but for sure they have their own unique talents given by God. As an adult, we must help them to enhance their talents and skills. Amir Khan looks to handsome! He's such a fine actor, too. :) In case you're not familiar with him, he's the actor from the movie, 3 Idiots, which made a lot of people cried. My friends are one of them. Such a great movie, too! Better watch it if you haven't seen it! Worth your time! :)

It's lunch time already, but we're still full. I'm getting bigger already. Hihihi. Of course, we had lunch, liempo, and fish, yummy! But I had to control myself to eat more.Discipline. Disclipline. Kekekeke. Around 4pm, everyone started preparing their things while others were taking a bath. Pali! Pali!

Around 6pm, we left the house. But before leaving, we ate pancit and our favorite lumpiang shanghai.Thanks to Rhem's mom who cooked for us. Thanks a lot,Tita.We will come back! =)). It was already 9pm when I arrived at the apartment, feeling to tired, but happy because I had fun with the girls. :)

Again, happy birthday to my sis! Thanks for a wonderful trip! God Bless! And to the girls, let's do this again! ^_______________^