Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong Yahoo Search Links

Since we lost in Yahoo Buzz Poll due to some fanclubs using AUTOCLICK software just to see their idols get millions of votes in two days, the fight is not over yet, the trophies are not handed in, so we must show our collective strength again by using our time and efforts to increase searches for Kim Hyun Joong. We always play fair so we must maintain that. So we better start keeping our fingers moving, here are the links where we can do our searches :

Note: (copy paste the keyword after opening the link)

1. Yahoo Taiwan:

keyword: 金贤重

2. Yahoo Indonesia :

keyword : Kim Hyun Joong

3. Yahoo Korea :

keyword : 김현중

4. Yahoo China : =% E9% 87% 91% E8% B4% A4% E9% 87% 8D & v = web & pid = ysearch

keyword: 金贤重

5. Yahoo Philippines

keyword : Kim Hyun Joong

6. Yahoo Thailand

keyword : คิมฮยอนจุง

7. Yahoo Malaysia

keyword : Kim Hyun Joong

8. Yahoo in December:

just click on the link!

Good luck to us!

Credit: Azi of HyunniesPexers