Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yahoo Buzz Controversy

So this is the reason why I could not vote for KHJ last weekend!
I still believe in KARMA!

This is an article posted from HyunniesPexers site written by Azi:

Yahoo Buzz Voting Trends & Screen Captures

5 Votes

Posted by azi 11.30.2010 3:29 p.m.

According to an email that I received from Yahoo Korea in response to my queries, votes for the other contender come from overseas and there seems no reason to think that those were invalid. On the other hand, a Korean fansite was able to capture real time changes in the influx of votes and there was a very clear irregular voting pattern.

It seems like Yahoo Korea needs proof of this irregularity, in addition to the fact that we had difficulties accesing the voting site on November 27 and 28, for them to take action, so I urge whoever reading this to send a formal complaint to their customer service, links are provided below, and don’t forget to copy paste this post as an attachment to your email:

1. http://kr.helpboard.yahoo.com/helpfeedback/a_frontpage.html

Alternate email address:

2. frontpage-help@cckr.yahoo-inc.com

Proof # 1

For the sake of analysis, let me do some trending base on the data posted below. Excluding the bulk amount of votes for contenders (i.e with green highlights), the normal voting scenario is this: in 62 minutes, Kim Hyun Joong got 22,395 votes while Jan Geun Suk got 597 in total. Further analysis : KHJ gets an average of 361.2 votes per minute while JGS gets an average of 9.63 votes only, or a mere 2.67 % of what KHJ’s total. Simply put, the votes ratio is 37:1 in favor of KHJ. If JGS managed to garner a meager 3% compared to KHJ votes, where did the bulk votes for JGS came from? Trends for increase can be ascertained by mere looking at the 3rd and 5th column below. One need not be a math expert to tell the anomalous pattern.

re-posted from: http://micon.miclub.com/board/viewArticle.do?artiNo=81955382&listCateNo=261&listPage=1

column 1 : time , column 2: KHJ Total Votes, column 3 : KHJ Increase in votes, column 4 : JGS Total Votes, column 5: JGS increase in votes


Proof # 2

re-posted from blog.daum.net/miniquilt and captured by Ralph@KHJ0606.com

This one captures the trend from 7:15 to 7:47 am 32 minutes trend. In that span of time excluding the bulk votes which is highlighted in red, KHJ got 8,621 (ave. 269.4 / minute) votes while JGS got 234 (ave. 7.31/minute) votes. If we compare it with the our 5:34 to 6:36 trend, we still get the same ratio of 37: 1 votes in favor of Kim Hyun Joong. So what does this trends tells us? Are we being deceived by our own eyes? The most important question is : WE HAVE THE FACTS, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?


Proof # 3

Screen captures made by Meteorflower dated 11.29.2010, wherein two different results where shown by Yahoo.

a.) Capture Time : 09:10 p.m Date : 11.29.2010

Votes: KHJ = 4,931,386

JGS = 4,182,810

b.) Capture Time : 09:18 p.m Date: 11.29.2010

Votes: KHJ = 2,555,555

JGS = 990,530

That was not the first time that Yahoo showed increasing/decreasing results in that category, it has been happening the whole day of November 29, 2010.

To further support that, here is another capture from blog.daum.net/miniquilt dated November 30, 2010. Take note of the time and the number of votes too.


So now, tell me, is this fair or what?

Please spread the word about this and send complains to Yahoo Korea. We are not doing this to gain prestige nor recognitions for Kim Hyun Joong or our fan sites, we just wanted everything to be fair, let us do our part and not let our time and efforts be wasted by losing to an AUTOCLICK!

We lost in numbers but we have not lost the war….!


YAHOO should INVESTIGATE on this matter!