Saturday, November 13, 2010

Random Thoughts

I just so happen to drop by at Ockoala and she has this article on Playful Kiss BTS Picture from Youtube Episode 6. I read the comments at the end of the article and I was intrigued with their discussion.
Some comments caught my attention. I would like to share some of those comments because I'm one of those people who are also asking about the whole change.

I wanna thank you all the people that are commenting on Ockoala's articles on Playful Kiss and even KHJ.

" yeisha says:

November 12, 2010 at 2:55 pm

*I’ve seen couples with much more potent onscreen and offscreen chemistry never date in real life*
On the top of my head: ArJoe, In Sung & Ha Ji Won, Matsujun & Mao-chan, Rainie & Mike He.

I guess the reason why I’m kinda excited with KHJ-JSM’s offscreen chemistry is that in all the years that I’ve “followed” KHJ, I’ve never seen him this comfortable with a female co-worker before (except for HB in WGM and maybe Hyori) to the point where he’s even the one initiating all the interactions. I mean, UEE’s comment about them not exchanging a single word the entire time that they filmed their CF was both sad and comical, but so typical of KHJ who is often awkward around strangers, especially girls.

Its also very interesting how a lot of KHJ’s fanclubs seem to support the pairing, even “Perfect”, who are usually very protective and KHJ-centric and don’t even include other SS501 boys in their videos before or even HB during WGM, released that mini cooper BTS fancam. Things that make you go “hmmmm…”.

But like I said, I don’t want to read too much into it or get too far ahead of myself. Its enough that both said, in their own words, that they are happy right now. They certainly deserve it after all the hard work that they put into PK. And whatever happens in the future, I’m just hoping that they will remain close friends, at least.


  • J.J. says:

November 12, 2010 at 4:28 pm

Its also very interesting how a lot of KHJ’s fanclubs seem to support the pairing, even “Perfect”, who are usually very protective and KHJ-centric and don’t even include other SS501 boys in their videos before or even HB during WGM, released that mini cooper BTS fancam. Things that make you go “hmmmm…”.

^ That right there does make me go Hmmm.


November 12, 2010 at 6:41 pm

Agree much.
I am a person who never jump into any shipper. Better I saw their directly dating news plester in any portal news in the future, than speculate they are dating or not all the time.
But this Hyunjoong-Somin tandem make me thinking and go ‘hmmm’ alot. The reason why, you have simply put so nicely there. Especially this: “I’ve never seen him this comfortable with a female co-worker before (except for HB in WGM and maybe Hyori) to the point where he’s even the one initiating all the interactions.”
He as the initiator in everything.This really the first time I saw him like this. I NEVER SAW HIM LIKE THIS. Thats the ‘big’ hmmmmm for me. Even during his interaction with hwangbo, until the end I still feel he was not that comfortable. I am looking for the comfortable feeling like a special boy-girl interaction, but I still can’t see it. And his always so tired-kinda uninterested expression all the time in the end of wgm days make it worst. He was still the passive one. He was still the follower one. Hem how you put it in the right words? Well this just opinion ^^

And your say about PERFECT thing, oh nice obeservation there. I never pay attention to that. PERFECT is so hyunjoong centric, never include any girls (I don’t consider his codi noona as girls ^^) or any other boys other than their Hyunjoong. And the fact they are so ‘welcome’ about Somin, and released that mini cooper kiss fancam is s.u.s.p.i.c.i.o.u.s. Sure PERFECT know their hyunjoong life than anyone, because they stalk him 24/7.

Like you I don’t hope too much. I just simply enjoy them and their real-pure-suspicious-flirting interaction during PK filming, its enough.
But if something more happened after this, of course I am so happy for them and say welcome to Somin ^^ "