Monday, March 26, 2007

Coke vs. Aces

Last Saturday, we went to ADMU to visit Coke practice. Unfortunately, they did not practice there coz of ABL.grrrrr..I was expecting that we can meet Mr. Nike and the other Coke players. I was with Jona, Nelly, and Pherl. We also met Roma and Esel, my Arriba pals. Grabeh! At least my friends did not feel bored coz they saw Derek Ramsey..ryt Nelly?lol. Anyway, Angelika Panganiban was also there, FYI. After that, we went back to Megamall and while on our way there, I found out from Jason that the team practiced in Reyes Gym in Libertad. Kumusta naman..That place is so near pala..kainis! I should have texted him earlier. Okay..I've learned my lessons.
Yesterday, I went to AC to watch Coke-Aces game. JA gave me tix that's why I sat near their bench. Again, Im a bit shy coz I might get seen on TV.hahaha. Surely, my uncle will recognize me. It was a nice game despite the Tigers loosing it..JA wasn't feeling well coz he just had a flu. OMG! I don't know that. If I only knew...joke!joke! He only played for 18 minutes during the game and I can say that it was really a big blow to the team. JA get well soon please..we're 3-3 already. What's scary was the fact that AJ was hurt. Grrrrrr...someone fouled him when he was shooting from the three-point area. Good thing he was okay already when we saw him at SG. I don't know that much about him, but he seems to be very serious.(SCARY!lol) Probably he was juz tired after the game..I certainly hope so.hahaha.
Since I'm talking about SG stuff, me and Esel approached Joseph first. Roma asked her to take a photo of Seph. Btw, I doubt if he played..I think Coach chose to field in Chris, Chester and Leo...well, we can never question the decision of the coach. Then, we saw Jason Misolas..haha. I still can't forget that thing in embarrassing..imagine, I slipped in front of him..oh sh*t! Of course, we asked for his pic with us..and good thing, I did not slip. He was so friendly and of course, ..ha**so** ever! Like sis Yhan said, he's a hottie!lol. Immediately, after that we went back to where Jayson was..And here comes Mr. Nike looking great despite having flu..biased talaga.. We greeted and I told him that Esel is a member of Arriba. Esel introduced herself and shocking..gosh, Mr. Nike remembers him! "I've met you before right?" ...seems like music to Esel ears..go girl! Esel gave him cards..and he said that he's going to read them later. Then, Jayson asked him bout his armband..
Mr. Nike: Which one?
He opened his big black Nike and searched for his precious armband..
After a minute, he can't still find it. Guys talaga..
Mr. Nike: I'll give it to you next game/next time.
Me: No problem. (my only line?)Then I asked him...
Me: How are you?..with la*b*ng xempre)
Mr. Nike:(while searching for his armband) I am fine......with super mega sweet voice!
After that, I had to change the topic..I asked him if they have practice on Thursday..Alen kc wants to visit them, too. He said he's not sure. But they'll be there on Tuesday and Wednesday. Before we say goodbye, we took some pics with him. I did not bother to take a pic with him. It's better that he'll be home early so that he can rest and regain himself. Before I went home, I told him "Get well soon, big bro!" How I wish I can say that.."Get well soon" plus a handshake lang naman. After JA, we ambushed Denok and take a pic with Esel likes him, too. He's such a simple player and I admire him for that. Go Denok! Before that, we approached AJ and Chris Pacana..asked for a photo and autograph of course.