Saturday, September 11, 2010


This post is a little bit late coz I was a bit busy in the past weeks.

Can you believe it? I watched four movies in span of 1 week. Haha. Actually, it's the first time I did it. It was a expensive however, I enjoyed it very much.

I first watched SALT. The trailer was very intriguing that's why I told myself, maybe I should see it. I'm not really a fan of Angelina Jolie but I've always admired movies having women in an action film. I was really amazed on how Angelina was able to do those stunts in this movie. She's really awesome! It was amazing to see such powerful aura mixed with sexiness and glamor.

My friend watched it first and she told me that it's GREAT! I don't really watch Leonardo di Caprio's movies but I was impressed with his Shutter Island. I even made a remark to my friend that I might nosebleed if I watch it. But yeah, I did. IMO, Inception is much better than SALT in terms of story, direction, special effects and of course acting!
Inception also made me realize how cute Joseph Gordon Levitt. LOL. He really caught my attention! Good thing he's in the movie or else I would be bored to death though the movie was exciting!

And then STEP UP 3D.
I didn't expect too much from this movie since I was not really impressed with the second installment. I should say STEP UP 1 is still the best. It was actually the first time I watched a movie in 3d cinema. My friends and I decided to try it. And the verdict! I didn't like it! Ewwww. It's so painful to watch and I felt that I should have stick to the ordinary cinema. Sigh. Speaking of the movie, I couldn't react much because there's nothing ordinary. The acting was plain, same with the dance moves. And the main actor, I couldn't actually feel that he's dancing. Sorry, but he's handsome. That's given! At least Channing can do both. However, for the main lead, wow! she's great!

Finally, the EXPENDABLES.
I am a big fan of Jet Li. So, from the time I found out from Wikipedia that he will co-star with Stallone and Statham, I said I would definitely watch it. The movie is your typical 80's action movie! That's what I get from the reviews I've read about it. It's something positive and negative though. But in my case, I'm happy that I'm able to see such actors in one film. I find these actor admirable because I know that each of them can star in their own film, but they opted to do this .... for a treat. I really enjoyed the movie! SOOOO MUCH! In terms of action scenes, it's SUPERB! And in terms of comedy and its delivery, hats off to these action stars.

I demand a sequel! Come on Stallone! Go for it!

My favorite scene with Jason hot! lol

My favorite character in The Expendables.

Rating the four movies based on how I was entertained. I should say that SALT, INCEPTION, STEP UP 3D got 7. And for EXPENDABLES, it's a perfect 10!