Tuesday, August 12, 2008

my angel...

These days, I can truly say that I am very happy and satisfied with my life. Why? I am enjoying my job and I can honestly say that these are the best days in VOIM. I dunno, I have a lot of reasons of course. But one thing that makes my life in VOIM easy and fun is my angel. Corny? So what? I don't give a damn. I have gone through a lot of things this year. At the start, I had some family problems. I also had problems with my friends and of course, the unforgettable fire incident in our former apartment. But after all of those unfortunate things, I can say that I have moved on and I am enjoying my life right now.

Though there are a lot of responsibilities in the office right now..as a team leader, I am more comfortable working. I may have lost some friends who are working in another company, still I am happy because we have maintained our communication and kept our friendship. Just this week, Pherl and Lhyza moved to our apartment. Yes, we are back in each others' arms. LOL. Well, I'm happy kasi we're still together through thick and thin.

Si Pherl, super slim pa rin, kakainggit tlaga yun kasi di sya tumataba. Si Lhyza, decided na syang magdiet, hayy..salamat sa Del Monte. I hope she'll be successful in her plan to stay fit. Si Johanna, hayun..inlove pa rin sa boyfriend nya. Sometimes, she still remembers someone but of course, she knows her limitations. Si Rhem, hehe. Inlove pa rin kay Beb nya. Going stronger ang dalawa. good for them. Si Nelly, ala pa ring boyfriend pero happy and contented sa life. And me, well...hehe. I'm HAPPY! coz I have my angel. Sounds corny, but I'm really happy that I'm able to know him. I really change a lot. I became more friendly and I always manage to smile though I'm sooo pressured na.

I'm enjoyin' everything now...Tomorrow, we'll be having a team building in our Operations Head's house. I'm so excited coz I'll be spending time with my team. I'm sure it will be fun knowing Charmi, Myra, Cyryl, and the rest of the gang will be there. That's all for now.

Till my next update...mwah :)