Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harry Potter..etc.

I guess everyone is waiting already for the release of the Harry Potter book 7!Oh yeah, and that includes me..even if Im not a Potter fan. lol. Well, I juz want to know the end of this JK Rowling masterpiece. But before that, I watched the movie Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix with my bestfriend, Tere, yesterday. YuP! It was her birthday last Monday and since I don't have gift, I decided to just treat her. I know she will value it more considering that we won't just watch a movie..we will talk also. You know, my bestfriend is undergoing tough times right now, I want to be there as much as someone who will listen to her.

We ate first before we went inside the theater. Dami naming pinag-usapan..about her*t talaga ung ex nya. When I see him in person, I want to kick his ass! Wala syang kwenta and he's not man enough to stand on his own. Ang laki2x nyang tao pero wala pala syang disposisyon. My bestfriend is still lucky coz she did not end up with that sh*t! My bestfriend got brains and beauty, she deserves someone better than him. I'm sure of that..

Ang tindi ng poot di ba? I just feel I need to say that..sigh* well anyway, we also talked about our classmates back in high schools, we found out that some of them are married already. La lang..It's nice to know that they have settled already...raising their own children and building their own family.weh! Well, for me and Bes, we're happy with our lives right now. We still enjoy being single and ofcourse our independence!

Nga pala, we also talked about the youtube video of Alex Cabagnot and his Bes also saw it and she was laughing when I opened that topic. Sabi nya, natural lang daw na hindi umamin si Alex about dun sa video..remember, when I asked him about the video, he juz said "di kaya." wahaha. Basta juz watch this video from youtube and you'll find out how funny is it. One thing is for sure, Alex can dance!wah!ang cute promise! I love

So there, watch na kami ng movie..Here we go Harry!lol. If you compare it with Harry Potter 4, for me they are just the same. Both are sad! coz Harry's friend again died on this movie.sigh..Cedric did in HP4..huhu..and this spoiler nyo na lang. Also, in terms of special effects, I like the scene where Professor Dumbledore and Voldemort fought against each other.

I also like when Harry and the rest of Dumbledore Army are training secretly..Ron made me laugh effortlessly! My favorite scene? this one..need to say more? KARMA!lol.

That's it. Next time, we'll watch Oujia, for a change..local and scary flick naman.