Thursday, May 24, 2007


(last last week pa to after the election)
I'm back to doom!Well, it means Im back here in the office with all the "negas" and all. Ofcourse, there are also positive things to be seeing my morning officemates. Well, morning lang although there are few in the afternoon. Again, "FEW." I think this entry will be long coz I have a lot of things to talk about. Yeah, a lot!
Let's start everything with the game last Sunday. Actually, I was with my bestfriend, Tere when I watched the game. JA gave us tix as always. Bait talaga ni Mr. Nike. As early as 1pm, we're already in AC but we stayed first in MsDonalds. You know, I missed my bestfriend so much that's why as much as possible I wanted to hear her stories and also shared the happenings in my life. After that, around 2:30pm, I decided to check if JA has already arrived in SG. Too bad, JA went inside already. Sayang, I was planning pa naman to give some words of encouragement for the game. They will go up against Aces and I know that its a very important game. Sayang talaga! Since it's still early to enter AC and more importantly, we don't have tix yet, we went to KFC and had another set of chikahan. Around 3:40, we went to green gate and waited for the tix.
The game was about to start when we got inside. Gosh! we'll occupy the front part na naman. We might get seen on tv because we're fronting the camera. I hate this feeling! Then the game started..the Aces led most of the game. But I don't really care about that. I was more concerned with JA who had a mild sprain before the half ended. How many times do I have to say that I don't wanna see him down on the floor nursing an injury and worst, no foul called against the culprit! Ref, DO YOUR JOB!During the half, a lot of my friends were asking me how's JA, but I can't give info because there were no updates in the venue. They gave updates on TV of course. Then the players entered the court again and I saw JA walking. Atleast it's a good sign that he can walk. I even doubted when I saw him just sitting rather than practicing. But after some seconds, he picked up the ball and took a shot! Good sign I said to myself. Then the game started again and JA played. I was really impressed because even if I knew that he had an injury, he was still playing defense against Willie Miller. Then my friend texted me and she said that according to report JA had a mild sprain and he said that small things like this cannot stop him from doing his job! I was a bit relieved because atleast it's just a mild injury. One more thing, I was so proud of him because he's so professional.
As the third quarter ends, again, we felt uneasy because Ja was holding his hamstring. OMG! that was what he's holding during the BGK game. Ano ba yan! JA went to the bench and took a rest. By fourth quarter, game was still on the Aces side, that's why we're still nervous. Eto pang c Varem, parang very hesitant. Hay..kumusta naman. But towards the 6 minute mark, the Tigers rallied back. It all started with Will's tree-pointer. And then Ali and Varem controlled the rebounds. It was also the time, Alex Cabagnot hit some treys. Basta..I'm so damn happy!The feeling was so overwelming and I begun thinking that we would have won the Air21 game if Alex was there. Then the big shot came. John was holding the ball against Willie and then he immediately passed the ball to Alex who have a better position to pass the ball to Varem. And the result was a powerful SUPER SLAM! Damn! ASTIG talaga! We were like "WHAT!" All of us were standing and shouting for that dunk. Grabeh! Kahit ata BGK fans napasigaw when they saw that dunk. He also made the freethrow that brought back the lead to 4. After that sequence, Alaska made a basket and they put pressure on Coke. But Coke has nothing to worry coz the ARSENAL was there to save the day for us. Right John? When it was Aces' turn to shoot again, Alex stole the ball from Miller and made a basket. That basket sealed the victory for us.
After the game, I told my friends, good thing that we don't use our voice while voting or else I couldn't vote the following day.
In SG, we had the chance to see Kenneth Duremdes. We just smiled and he also smiled on us. When Ja came out, we talked to him and then I asked him about the injury. He said that he's doing well and it's just a mild injury and he just had crumps during the third quarter. He also told me a lot of things..sorry..I can't mention all of them. But trust me, JA is fine. One thing that I hated that night was those kids asking things from JA. They always do that. Grrrrrrr....But that night was destined to When he was about to say goodbye, we had a handshake and he handed his armband to my hand. OMG! hahaha! It was really a nice gift. It was still wet because that was the armband that he used in the game.

When they left, we waited for another player. Again, I won't mention his name. Some of my closest friends in Arriba know him. This is to hide his But then again, when I thought that he's gone already, it was the time that I saw him. What do you call that? Is it destiny? lol. That night, on our way to green gate, we saw Joeyoe with his friends. Then we also saw Alex Cabagnot. I wanted to have his autograph but I don't have a paper. What I only had during that time is the book, The Little Prince. So what I did was I got my pen and let him signed at the last page of the book. I couldn't forget my little prince..oh should I say "chubby" prince..wahaha.

Finally, everything is confirmed already. Dirk is the NBA MVP for this season. You deserve it man. Although, Dallas did not make it to the next round, still Dirk is the MVP for me. Kaya nga, may regular season MVP and Finals MVP eh. I don't know why there are people making a big fuzz about it. They're just insecure! I know, Dallas will bounce back next year. The past two years have been painful for them and I think they will have these as their motivation. Go DIRK! GO MAVS! Sayang tuloy coz I can't wear my Nowitzki

Last May 14, I voted for the second time. yeah! and I to tell you frankly, I voted only one senator. Yup, that's not a joke! I have been vocal about him and I truly believe that he deserves my vote. I believe in his principles and I'm so damn proud of him because he's not an administration's pet. These days, his ranking only falls under 1 & 2. Well, I don't really expect him to top the election but if GOD will give it to him, I think that's a blessing. Kakatuwa lang coz I know his wife is pregnant..twin daw. WOW! ang saya nun! Blessing talaga. Imagine, one of the topnotchers in the election and a father-to be to a twin. Congrats CHIZ!