Thursday, May 10, 2007


The Allstar teams stayed in Camp John Hay throughout the event. According to John, his roommate was Mick Pennissi of RedBull Barako who participated in the Shooting Stars in La Union. During our first visit, it was evident that JA was really tired. Still, he met us in the hotel's lobby for some conversation. There, Angelie finally met John and able to talk to him. He was wearing a Nike sneakers, jeans, (finally saw him wearing and ofcourse his Flight jacket..opps..not to forget his earing on his left ear. He really looks good in that outfit even if he's tired. We talked a lot of things there..the game, the event, the gymnasium (peace!), his teammates..etc. Til we talked about this very critical issue that I would like to keep to myself. Basta, whatever happens, we'll CHOOSE JA! We also talked about the tree that he planted in La Union and other activities where he participated. He said that it was really tiring because there's a lot of activities and ofcourse the trip was so long. Imagine, they left for La Union last Wednesday..they had a game last Tuesday pa pala..kumusta naman. But Im sure he had fun! Ofcourse we took pictures with him. Xempre, I wore the jersey that I bought and gosH! he remembered that it was the jersey that I asked him to sign last year. He even hold it..waaaaaaaa..and looked for his signature. I also asked him to sign the shirt that we bought in the gym. I even told him that he would be the only player to sign that shirt coz he's the real Allstar for me. Hay..I was really sleepy during that time that's why I couldn't think of better words to Then picture taking na..wahahha..The next morning, we went again to Camp John Hay to give his "pasalubong" to ate Kara. He couldn't go down like other players that's we just bought him some foods. At the front of the hotel, we saw him seating, we approached him and he asked us about our hotel. Then, Mark Caguioa joined and chatted with us. He even joked around about their _o_c_ hahaha..Nice one Mark! I admit I thought he's really mayabang but he's not. Infact, he's so cool!hhaha. We even had pictures with him and John. Sayang! kc Jayjay would have joined with us but he's talking to Kelly Williams. After few minutes, Mark left and another familiar player went to the hotel. It was Jay Washington. To my delight, I thought that ih JWash was there, there's a possibility that other sophs were there too including Guess nyo na lang un.hehe. Then, OMG! he's there nga.waaaaaaaaa..I wanna faint! and guess what he's approaching JA. Basta, I felt cold and just............ EWAN! Few minutes past, and JA had to leave na. She rode on the North bus. Xa lang player dun. Haha. Kakatuwa lang kc he has a lot of space to sleep in..But before he said goodble, he thanked us and I told him "see you tomorrow in Moro." Esel and some other friends will be visiting him there again.Actually, Allstars in Baguio was a mixed of happiness and sadness for me. Happiness, coz I wan't able to go to Baguio for the first time, I conquerred my fear, I was able to see and support Mr. Nike, saw Chubz, meet Angelie...BUT...sadness, because I discovered a lot of things why I should support him more. The things I saw were kind a saddening but in spite of these, I realized that JA's such a REAL person. I love him for that! wah!

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