Monday, September 26, 2011

How I Got Into Kpop?

How I Got Into Kpop?

I've Got a very short answer for you: KHJ!

To start with, lemme state that I've been teaching ESL to Korean students since 2006. ESL refers to English as Second Language. Here, we teach English to Korean students through a certain program, which could be video or phone. Being a teacher since 2006, I've encountered different kinds of students, been exposed to their culture and everything. Since I'm a teacher and I had to be aware of anything related to them, I had to research about their culture, language, and other things including their rising (debatable, if some don't agree) Kpop phenomenon.

I'm aware of their famous Kpop artists like TVXQ, BoA, Super Junior, Wondergirls, Big Bang, Girl Generation. However, none of them got me into Kpop. And that's a FACT! Deal with it, baby! I actually tried listening to their songs because I was quite fascinated with their popularity. When you're curious what's inside a bag, you have to open and look inside right? And that's what I did. I watched videos and of course downloaded some of their famous songs to satisfy my curiousity. But sad to say, no one got me into Kpop. :( It's hard to explain the reason but to simplify things, let's just say that they didn't charm me.

It was 2009 when things changed. Thanks to this young lad who caught my attention from the first day I saw him.

This skinny guy from BOF, famously known as Yoon Ji Hoo kept me watching Boys Over Flower. That's true, If I would only watch the other characters, I would just probably chose to sleep. From BOF, I did my homework of researching about him to the fullest. LOL. I spent long hours in front of the computer watching his videos to make up for the lost time. Lost time since he debuted in 2005, I missed almost 4 years! Damn! I'm so ignorant! LOL. I didn't have any intention of buying ipod but because of him, I bought one so I could watch his videos anytime I want. Am I telling a lot? lol

However, I felt that I'm still lucky coz I was able to know him. I'm really thankful to BOF because I got to know Kim Hyun Joong, and because of him, another world has opened for me to enjoy and explore. The language might be a problem because I only knew few Korean words but I don't mind it at all. I might not be able to understand them fully but somehow in my heart, I could feel the melody and it's real meaning.

This guy who got me into Kpop, is not of course the greatest singer in Korea. His fans know that, but everytime he performs and sings, I can feel his sincerity and emotions. Something that some singers who can hit high notes lack. Before I used to ask myself, what's so special about him? What separates him from the others? Why am I giving a lot of attention to him? I don't have to answer those questions anymore because I already know. He's THE ONE! When you found the ONE, you won't look for anyone else. You will just be happy and contented with him around.