Monday, August 29, 2011

[KHJ] The Faceshop Event

So how do I start it?
I was a bit frustrated last Thursday night because I wasn't able to see even a single glimpse of Kim Hyun Joong. I could heard people screaming when he stepped on the stage. Everyone really went gaga over him. This fact is enough for me to make me happy even if I want to see him. Mixed emotion, indeed.

Because of this, I made sure to get the admission pass from Faceshop. After buying some items in the Trinoma branch, I was able to get this!

The following day, I was back in Trinoma! Wearing my Henecian shirt, I went inside the activity center happy that finally I could see KHJ. When I entered, they were showing some footages of KHJ shooting The Faceshop CF with Park Min Young. There were also videos of his visit in other Asian countries. The event was hosted by Grace Lee. She's really good and she's pretty!

There were some games before the KHJ came. I was just fortunate that I didn't win anything. Sigh. I'm not really lucky when it comes to raffle thingy. Well, fine! Let the others have it. Seeing KHJ is more than enough to make me happy. :)

Here's the crowd during the second day of KHJ's events in Trinoma.It was amazing just like the first day.

After the games, KHJ arrived and the crowd got excited again. So do I! I've waited long for this and honestly, I dunno I felt during that time. It's always unexplainable when I see him. I dunno how you call but I really dont know the exact words. I cheered for him. I shouted for him. I did everything but still, that kind of "unknown" feeling is in me. Here's the video of KHJ's arrival and questions and answer portion with Grace Lee. I couldn't barely hear his interpreter, kudos to Grace Lee for translating KHJ's answer. Sorry for the quality because while I'm recording, I was also lookin at him. Kekeke.

He's so cute when he's speaking Tagalog expressions like "Mahal Kita." Love it! Ikaw na, Kim Hyun Joong!

Then, the signing followed as well as picture taking with the winners. Envious much. But I guess, its not really my time to be closer to him. Who knows it will be my turn next time.

After this, he bid goodbye to us. Quite sad because I will definitely miss him, but happy because I got to see him even for a few minutes. There's another reason for me to be happy because I met new friends, my co-Henecians. And I got to wear our shirt! Proud Henecian, indeed!

Back of the shirt

Front of the shirt, the HJ's logo

Some freebies from Henecia Philippines. I so love my Henecian card!

That's it! Although I was able to see HJ for a few minutes only, my happiness is over-the-top! Seeing him makes me feel recharged. Right now, I'm saving already for his concert next year! Opps, he has an album comin up next month, so I better get ready.

Kim Hyun Joong, you're THE ONE!