Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our Macau 2011 Trip....

Before we used to be 6, now we're just 3! Before we used to have Miss Ydel to lead us to our next destination. We used to have Karen and Anne who always volunteer to take pic of us. Now, we're on our own! Lhyza, Sam, and myself are facing a big challenge to tour Macau while having lotsa FUN!

We took the 7:30 flight to Macau from Manila. We originally planned to go to the airport at 4pm but Lhyza and I had to go to the mall first to buy a camera. Yeah, a camera. LOL. Lhyza just convinced me to buy so we could have a backup camera. I bought the Samsung one with "beauty shot." kekeke. When we went home, we received a message from Sam that she's in the airport already. Sam was soooo freakin excited! I packed my things inside my bag then went to the washroom only to find out that my monthly period just came. Talk about bad timing! I indeed up lashing out of anger..grrrr, but I told myself, this shouldn't ruin my trip. So I fixed myself up and went to the airport with my friend. We arrived there before 6pm, met Sam, and accomplished all the documents that we needed to fill up. Of course, that includes all the payments, interviews, and everything. Though we're excited for our trip, we didn't let go of the chance to take pics before boarding. LOL

Our plane landed around 9:30pm in Macau. We didn't have any problem in the Immigration, so we hurriedly lined up outside the airport for the bus. It took time before we could figure out the bus number that we'll get up to the ferry terminal.

Sad thing, when we got to the terminal, we called Riviera Hotel only to find out that it was fully-booked. With the help of the available wi-fi connection there, we searched for the other hotels and called them. Unfortunately, the available hotels were so expensive, TT_TT. We decided to go to the hotel we thought we're safe and secured even if we had to spend a lot, The Venetian. We went to the other side of the road and took the shuttle to Venetian. Sigh...

Lhyza and I inquired about the hotel accommodation. Whew! It was so expensive since it's weekend. Good thing, we met a Filipino staff there who helped us find a room for a reasonable price. He accompanied us back to the city center and made sure we're comfortable before attending to his wife. It was around 2am when we finally hit the sack thinking that next day we'll have fun! :)