Monday, September 27, 2010

[KHJ] KeyEast 2011 Eco Calendar

Eco Calendar of Keyeast family to be donated (Sep 2010)
Credits : Yonhap News 2010-09-27 11:15
Korean to English translation by Suehan / Suehan's BYJ Blog

(Seoul=Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Byung Gyu = Top stars including Bae Yong Joon, Lee Na Young, and Kim Hyun Joong got together to produce the calendar for the environment.

On the 27th, their agency, Keyeast stated that they produced “2011 Eco Calendar” with the actors of Keyeast, Choi Gang Hee, Lee Bo Young, Bong Tae Gyu, Lee Ji Ah, So Yi Hyun, Hwan Hee, Hong Soo Hyun, and Kim Soo Hyun.

This calendar contains stories related to the environmental anniversary, marking the official environmental anniversary, and actors’ comments relating to the environment anniversary which were specified by the actors.

Keyeast paid all of the production expenses. This calendar used Environmentally-friendly papers and vegetable bean oil ink for its production and was produced through an environmentally-friendly production process. Entire profits will be donated to Global Environment Program of the Korean committee of the United Nations Environment Program.

Keyeast’s actors donated the profits from the shooting of the environmental photo book for the magazine last May to environmental groups.

The calendar will be released by the on-off line store of Korea Ten by Ten ( and Japan Bofi site ( at the same time. It will also be introduced through a Smart-phone application in the middle of October.

Yang Geun Hwan, the representative of Keyeast said, “All of the actors became the Eco – supporters this year like last year.”, and “The calendar contains the honest stories from the actors regarding the environment with smiles.”

(The End)

I am so happy that the new company of Hyun Joong is dedicated to help environmental organizations. It is a relief that he belongs to BYJ's company now. Not only in terms of management skills, but I feel that with his new company, he can contribute more for the betterment of our society.
I actually find Bae Yong Joon so cute when he was riding on a bicycle! LOL. And I see familiar faces, too. Park Ji Bin (gyeopta), Hwan Hee (handsome) and Lee Na Young, and other A-Listers are there, too. Truly, Hyun Joong deserves to be in the league of these stars.
Kudos KeyEast! Can't wait to see Bae Yong Joon and Kim Hyun Joong together in a charity event to be held in Tokyo Dome this coming December. Gosh! Japan is sooo damn lucky!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I love watching Asian dramas. It all started when Korean Wave hit the Philippines. Thanks to FullHouse and Stairway to Heaven as well Winter Sonata. I realized that it's actually fun watching real drama aside from the usual anime and Mexican series, and of course, our very own Filipino telenovelas.
This morning, I was checking and I saw some familiar dramas on most watched and most liked ranking, in Korea and in Asia. So, I'm makin' my own list of my Top 5 Asian series. I initially wanted to name 10 but I guess I've watched a lot that it would too difficult to name all of them since I like them so much. At least 5 is safe! Now, let's start the ball rollin!

[5] FullHouse/Coffee Prince

It's a TIE! Haha. I told yah it's hard for me to name them since there are a lot of beautiful dramas out there. But I have to say, FullHouse and Coffee Prince started my addiction in watchin' Korean series. The characters that Rain and Song Hye Gyo portrayed in FullHouse are very funny and cute. Of course, the chemistry is great! However, I still prefer SHG with Hyun Bin in real life. I remember I still watched Fullhouse even though it was being aired late.

My favorite scene:

Just like FullHouse, Coffee Prince is full of fun! Who wouldn't get mesmerized with Gong Yoo's masculinity and Yoon Eun Hye's cuteness! Plain adorable. But aside from the main leads, what I like about this drama is the story and it's sense of maturity. Hmmm. And of course, my waffle guy! Lol. I'm really glad that he is given more opportunities nowadays to show his talent in acting. Kim Jae Wook, Fighting!

[4] -You're Beautiful

At no. 4, it has to be You're Beautiful! I really admire the Hong Sisters for makin' this idol drama not just a typical drama. They're really amazing! I love every character, even the meanest, the character being played by UEE. I love how she made Go Mi Nam's life miserable. She's really effective coz she was able to make me hate her! lol. The moment the nation's fairy gives you that look...damn! Soooo scary!
However, even if I like every character, I still feel that the role of Kang Shin Woo was patterned to BOF's Ji Hoo sunbae, the ever loyal and supportive friend to the main lead girl. Somehow, it pissed me off! Gosh! Have some originality! Haha. Sooo BOF! Still I love this drama. And it's soundtrack is amazing! I always listen to Promise and Still as Ever by the A.N.Jell.

My favorite scene:

It was one of the scenes I felt like I don't wanna be like him. Haha. Somehow, I can relate to his character and feelings. Gosh!

[3]Hana Kimi Japanese version

Before, it is used to be my favorite Asian series. I just love Toma Ikuta here. Of course, Shun Oguri is like one of Asia's best. But here, Toma got me. LOL. I just can't forget the nosebleed scenes! I love them!

Well, though the drama failed to convince me that Maki Horikita looks like a man, still I find it better than the Taiwanese version. Maki is really pretty and cute! I also like the feel of the drama, it's so anime-like that I feel the actors really exerted too much effort for the audience to enjoy. I love the dorm leaders especially Hiro! Waaaaaah! They're all funny, wacky and admirable!

"yeah, baby!"

My favorite scene:

[2] Boys Over Flower

This is such a phenomenon in Asia!
At first, I didn't plan to watch it because I thought that the story would just be similar to Meteor Garden. However, I totally love the story and the characters. I love Goo Jun Pyo's hair though I think it's a little heavy! Peace Lee Min Ho fans. kkkk. I love Kim Bum's acting as well as Kim Joon's portrayal of a gangstah! Haha. I wish he was given more airtime and better story. Jan Di was so cute though some "critics" don't like her acting. Anyway, BOF opened a lot of opportunities for me. I totally appreciated Korean music with BOF's official soundtrack. Shinee's Stand By Me is such a nice song though I'm not a fan of them. It's always fun hearing the catchy "Paradise." But what I love the most on it's OST is the song, Because I'm Stupid. I like the two versions (SS501's trio, and Kim Hyun Joong) but I prefer the acoustic one! BOF also gave me a free tour in New Caledonia, Jeju Island, and Macau. LOL

My favorite scenes: It has to be ALL KIM HYUN JOONG scenes! LOL

And now we're down to NUMBER ONE!

[1] Playful Kiss

This is really amazing! Imagine, only 8 episodes are being shown in Korea, and yet I consider this as my number 1 already. I don't know if it's all because of Hyun Joong but I've learned to love the drama though I haven't seen the other versions except the anime. I totally love the anime that's why I'm really excited for the Korean version.

In this version, I can relate to OH Hani very much. She's such a darling! I like her innocence, and never-say die attitude. Although she admits that she's slow like a snail, she never gives up on everything.. just like her love for Baek Seung Jo! LOL

Now, for the lead, need to say more? This is Kim Hyun Joong's first project as the main lead. He's quite known already because he's a member of an idol group but acting is not his comfort zone. He was casted in BOF that made him a household name in Asia. And now, his drama though not well-received in Korea based on the ratings per se, is taking Asia by storm. Opps. Not only Asia but also in other parts of the world. I am just happy that a lot of people who criticized him in BOF liked his portrayal of Baek Seung Jo. I love reading their comments about his much-improved acting this time around.
Good job Hyun Joong! Now, you're half-ready to portray your dream role - an insane!

Playful Kiss being a feel-good drama will bring back the high-schooler in YOU! You'll remember your first crush/love and all your dreamy moments with him/her. Everyone can relate to the changes that a teenager undergoes, from being an adolescent to an early adult individual striving to prove himself. It will re-open the colorful chapter of your life wherein you want to tell everyone that you could stand up without any support from your family. It also brings back memories of some "stupid things" you did in high school and how to pretend to be matured enough upon entering college, the struggle, the disappointments, and satisfaction as well.

Gosh, I'm really liking this drama, given a very simple story and of course the great chemistry between Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min. They are really perfect for the roles! The OST is also an additional point, G.NA's Kiss Me and KHJ's One More Time add to the beauty of the drama.

My favorite scene: Of course just like in BOF, I like all KHJ scenes but so far, this is my MOST FAVORITE part!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

[KHJ] Playful Kiss Ep6 revelation...

First is the KISS!


the new hairstyle!

Now, what is your reaction? Me thinks, that Hyun Joong is still HOT even with this kind of hairstyle. And I am looking forward to the other hairstyles he'll have in the coming days. ^^

[KHJ] Selca pics from Jung so min

I super like this girl. I only knew her for a couple of weeks and I'm beginning to like her personality.

This sweet girl took some photos during the filming of Playful Kiss.

Her pic with Kim Hyun Joong is a winner for me! They really look good together! Perfect couple!

JangKi couple ROCKS!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

[KHJ] Playful Kiss and Youtube Deal

[article] "We share this affinity thanks to Jangki!"
On the 15th morning 10am in Seoul Kangnam at Google Korea's head office center, the 'Youtube-Group Eight, MBC Playful Kiss Special Edition Partnership Convention' was held as CEO of Google Korea cum Google Asia managing director Lee Wonjin along with Group Eight CEO Song Byungjun came together to pose for the camera.

This time's special edition will consist of 7 episodes that will feature totally different contents as that of the TV drama version and will be shown to the entire world. In this upcoming early-October, various promotion videos, music videos, making films, etc will be uploaded through their exclusive widely-diversified youtube channel.

In addition, the My Story event; because they do support subtitle files, so through the participation of users, participants could pen their own story on their own, too.

CEO of Group Eight Song Byungjun expressed, "Standing by our stand to produce a nudge of contents, our decision to produce this time's special edition holds a deep meaning to us. Because of the fact that current editing work in the TV station is already taking up a long period of my time", "But we will create the contents as the way we want it and then distribute our hard labour out world-wide; through Youtube we will be able to possess this golden opportunity to easily settle distribution problems as such".

Generally, in the circumstances relating to copyright issues, including domestically and of course internationally, there are always limitations set to prevent illegal outflowing of data, and so in Youtube's case, for those countries who did not register themselves due to each country's copyright reservations, they will not be able to watch this in their country.

Along with that, though there are of course many language barriers between each country, users could still congregate together and enjoy the emotions delivered to them from the drama as this would be settled through the many possible selections of lively translations services.

CEO of Google Korea Lee Wonjin also expressed, "Amidst our improvement in contents, we will be taking our work to show the entire world and share with them -- the contents of Korea -- and because of that I'm happy", "With another of our brand new innovation this time round, it will be sure to benefit not just the producing crew, but also the media, and the audiences".


-3rd paragraph-

Especially in this time's youtube special edition, brand new contents that will not be seen in the original TV drama will be contained as audiences will see a totally new side of fun and excitement.

The official 'Playful Kiss' youtube channel will be opened in the upcoming October where it will contain the promotion videos, music videos and making films of the casts etc, there will be many must-see[s] in the channel.

This time's partnership aliance will deliver works of superior quality to their users, and to the producers of the contents, it holds a deep meaning whereby they could add on to the spectrum of varietied characteristics of their distribution channel.

With this time's partnership to create a special edition of the TV drama with help of exclusive distribution to Youtube only, it is expected that the Hanryu drama fever will continue to brew in Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam etc asian countries.

-last 2 para ommitted, same in content-

'Playful Kiss' that began broadcasting last September 1 stars singer-borne-actor Kim Hyunjoong and newbie Jung somin. This 'Playful Kiss Special Ed' is expected to be telecasted in end-October or around early-November through Youtube's official Playful Kiss channel.


Song Byungjun of Group Eight also expressed, "The Youtube special edition's aliance will newly transform the original TV drama as it brings it onto the net world and being introduced to the entire world, and it holds a deep meaning to us because our Korea's content get diversified like that through a widely-known distribution medium - Youtube", "We will expect to achieve high synergy effect with channel mediums like TV and online, and because we get to maximize our opportunities to invade the international markets with our Korea's movies and dramas, I'm really anticipating".

Lee Wonjin, the managing director cum CEO of Google Korea also added his stand, "From social affairs to music, movies, the varied culture contents etc, Youtube is able to fulfil them, and through our congregation this time, we will be able to create transformations in each and every different area with the fastest growth together", "By making use of the distinguishable Youtube where the entire world congregates together to share one single platform, we will work hard to introduce the many music, movies, concerts, etc, the many different arts cultures of our country to show the entire world".

-other paras ommitted, introduces Youtube and other similar content-

[KHJ] Playul Kiss OST sold to many countries

[article] OST sales sold to many countries
Just finds it nice
Credit to:

'One More Time' included in MBC drama Playful Kiss OST sung by Kim HyunJoong is receiving feverish responses.

'One more time' was last revealed on September 8, after which climbing onto the various music charts and music portal sites, thus becoming a hot topic of discussion. Even the music video that decorates itself with the many highlights in the drama is receiving good responses from international and domestic fans.

The song 'One more time' sung by Kim Hyunjoong portrays the sad emotions of arrogant and aloof boy Baek Seungjo as he gradually changes after meeting Oh Hani. This song is the theme song of Baek Seungjo, and it attracts attention for that.

The moment news was released about Kim Hyunjoong's participation in the drama's OST, many music companies contacted them for the distribution of the Playful Kiss OST, which turned into a huge buzz. Having already completed agreement liances with Japan, Thailand and mandarin-speaking countries, this just shows the amount of interest domestic and international fans have over this.

On the other hand, the home-mate romance of Seungjo-Hani couple will develop itself on every Wed-Thurs night at 9.55pm through MBC.

[KHJ] Playful Kiss broadcast rights sold to 12 countries

by GhostWriter on September 15, 2010 at 11:11 am

Despite MBC’s Playful Kiss suffering from low ratings in Korea, Kim Hyun Joong’s appeal abroad has resulted in Group Eight successfully selling the broadcasting rights of the show to 12 different countries. The total sale of the broadcasting rights brought in a total of 4000000000 won or around $3.45 million dollars.

Kim Hyun Joong gained major popularity in Southeast Asian countries through his role in the mega popular drama Boys Over Flowers. In the Philippines and Thailand, Playful Kiss broke Korean drama records for highest bids on the broadcasting rights.

Back home in Korea, Playful Kiss hopes to perform better in the ratings department. The show should get a nice boost when KBS 2TV’s Baker King Kim Tak Gu with ratings of nearly 50% ends on the 16th.

Source: 10Asia
Via: Tip from Renee

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

[KHJ] Kim Hyun Joong, No.1 artist ' Who do you want to start new relationship with

English Translation: Ode

Kim Hyunjoong is the Number 1 artist whom people want to start a new relationship with.

Movie 'Letters to Juliette' has recently conducted a survey from Sep 6 to Sep 13 titled "The artist whom you want to start a new relationship with this upcoming Fall?". And after collating results, the Number 1 star who came in this survey is none another than Kim Hyunjoong who is receiving attention for his new work Playful Kiss.

He has received a landsliding victory of 54%, after which behind him came MC cum actor Lee Seunggi from 'My girlfriend is Gumiho', and then Song Joongki from 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal', as well as 'Baker king Kim Tak Goo' Yoon Siyun.

[KHJ] The 3 songs that Hyun Joong cannot remove from his MP3 no matter what

From: metro entertainment 48th page, StarList

1. “Come to me again” — Kim Gunmo

“Even if I don’t say it, this song is a well-known and well-liked song by many people isn’t it. Though it’s a famous song that’s been remade by many sunbaenim in the music industry, in my personal view, I like Kim Gunmo sunbaenim’s personal rendition of the song. The sorrowful atmosphere of the song could feel like it’s been portrayed twice, or even thrice times apter? The melody is soothing, but the lyrics are the ‘real art’ in the entire. The moment I hear it, I can gasp; that kind of extend! Especially this part, “Come towards me as if winter has melted into spring”, this part is the best. (laughs) My affection for songs I choose to place it in my player differs and the standard also increases as I age”.

2. Wonderwall — OASIS
“This is the song I love the most out of all famous songs of OASIS. I will repeat it quite a few times and listen, and yet will not grow tired of it. There is always a seeming reason behind why songs well-loved by the entire world is so loved. I don’t just like OASIS’ songs, I also like their group itself. No matter what songs one may have, whenever singers have to stage a perfect stage to all the millions of fans downstage there, they will feel so nervous and will show it out, but for OASIS, they don’t have any of that. Their performing stages and music are a daily part of their lives, and they are always carefreely enjoying this daily life of theirs like that, yet despite this carefreeness, they still display their professionalism, and it’s really so handsome like that.”

3. Class Idea — Seo Taeji (Philharmonic version)
“Up until now I still cannot forget the kind of impact I fjavascript:void(0)elt when I first heard this song. At that time, Seo Taeji was my idol. Was it in 2008, the song? ‘Class idea’, newly arranged by Seo Taeji sunbaenim and the world-renowned classic grandfather (as Seo Taeji says it). When eastern music and western music’s classical comes together, it’s really interesting and amazing, the surprising perfect combination protrudes a feeling of refreshing and touching element. Though the original version is good too, but the Philharmonic version is a strongly recommended song.”


Do you know any of these songs? Haha. Actually, I'm only familiar with Oasis' Wonderwall. Infact, I downloaded an mp3 of that song and I'm enjoying it!


on his official website. Here's what he had to say!

Translated by Ode

Hyunjoong: ………… @ 2010-09-12, 1:10 AM

*Horse mouth used here as in = he will say it with his own mouth straight^^*
People are saying…free conc again like Gdbye YJH? hehehe

2010-09-12, 1:10 AM

하고시픈애긴2달안에 해줄께요 닥본사^^

요즘인터넷용어 많이배워요 ㅋㅋㅋ 나안티가이렇게많았나?????ㅋㅋ

걱정말아요 나 아무렇지도않아요 ㅋㅋ 이런상황도 즐겨요 ㅋㅋㅋ재미있구 나뵨탠가봐 으하핫 ㅋㅋ

고맙다고 두달뒤에말할께 육성으로 ㅋㅋ

The things I want to say will be revealed in 2 months time, Must-Catch-It-Live^^

These days I’ve learnt alot of the internet languages kkk, so I’ve got so many antis is it????? kk

Don’t worry guys, I’m okay kk, I’m enjoying the situation now kkk, very interesting ne. I sound like a pervert, ahaha kk

Thank you anyway, 2 months later I’ll tell you the things I wanna say, from the horse’s mouth kk — FREE BOARD

!!!!!!!!!!!! First post
It’s not a fake post, official notice was made

닉네임 [우주신]님의 게시물에 대한 문의 답변드립니다.

안녕하세요 키이스트입니다.

김현중씨의 공식 홈페이지 프리보드 메뉴에 있는 닉네임 [우주신]님의 글에 대한 팬 여러분들의 본인 확인 요청이 많아 답변 드리고자 합니다.
소속사 확인 결과 닉네임 [우주신] (No.473)님의 글은 김현중씨 본인이 직접 작성한 글로 확인 되었습니다.
여러분들의 오해 없으시길 바라며, 궁금하신 점은 언제든 문의해 주세요.
이번 주 수요일은 드라마 <장난스런 키스> 5부가 방영됩니다. 여러분들의 많은 시청 부탁드립니다.

키이스트 올림

Reply to enquiries over entry left by someone with the nickname [God of the universe]

Hello, this is Keyeast here.

With regards to the many enquiries left over an entry left by someone with the nickname Wuju-shin (God of the universe) on Kim Hyunjoong-ssi’s official homepage — FREEBOARD menu, we are here to deliver a reply to you all after taking in the many requests from all of you fans to confirm the identity.

The result after confirmation is, entry left with nickname [God of the universe] (No.473) is an entry left by Kim HyunJoong-ssi himself, and we confirmed it with him already.
We hope that this will not cause misunderstanding to all of you, and should you have any enquiries, please do send your enquiry to us.

This coming Wednesday will broadcast the 5th episode of drama Playful Kiss. We ask for your tuning-in.

Thank you.



I just missed this ......................................... coming from him.
I remember his old messages in DSP site.
It's great to know that he is doing fine despite the news, rumors, and antis.
Antis should really stop attacking him because he isnt affected.
Poor antis.
Kudos to Hyun Joong for being strong and optimistic!
Afterall, he's the LEADER!

According to his message, he's announcing something in two months.
What's that oppa?LOL.
I have a feeling that it has something to do with his solo album or probably an Asian tour? Hmm.
But deep inside of me, I want him to star in a new drama after enough rest.
I hope that the rumor is true!
I want him to have a drama with Song Hye Kyo or Yoon Eun Hye. It would be PERFECT!

But the ultimate wish would be to have a concert here again in the Philippines, possibly with the other SS501 members.
I guess, I'm not that selfish afterall. kkkkk.

To HJ, you're doing well right now. I'm very happy that you are striving hard and you're doing things you like to do. Hope you will become more successful. Take care, all Hyunnies are here to support and pray for you. ^^

[KHJ] A Message From a Chinese Fan...

I am not sure if the person who wrote this message is reliable but in case in the future, KHJ does a big project connected to Jackie Chan or his producer, you know this news might have something to do with it!

From HJ's fan...
(got this from
(A Chinese producer fan of KHJ wrote a message for our Angel)

439 A letter from a Chinese film producer ! [2] lazycat 2010.09.11 91

Dear Hyun Joong,

We know you are happy with your new agency Keyeast now, and you must be very excited during your recent shooting days!

Now let me introduce myself to you. I’m one of your Chinese fans, an aunt like fan with my age 56 years old. I live in Beijing, and work for China Film Group for nearly 25 years, and have attended so many international film festivals and film markets all over the world. I also stayed in our Paris office for two year. So I’ve met with many film stars such as Jackie Chan and so on, some of them became my friends already. But I’ve never expected myself could be a Korean idol’s fan! It’s the first time in my life. Ha…ha…ha…O(∩_∩)O It made me felt so funny and interesting! Some of my friends couldn’t understand me about it. But I know why. That’s enough.

I know you from TV series “Boys over Flowers” first. But I felt I real know you and like you just after watching the variety show “We Got Married”. I could see your natural character from this program. The former one something belongs to Yoon Ji Hoo but not to you.

Then I’ve nearly seen all the variety programs, MV and concerts about you and SS501. It made me know what a real Kim Hyun Joong is, a charming, humor, goodness, naughty, sunshine like, vigorous, honesty, and hardworking boy, which are attracted me so much not only just by your good-looking face. I also know your dream about music, show biz, and even the happiness or inner worries deep in your heart.

Thanks a lot for internet, it makes the world get closer, and we can get information very fast. It makes people between east and west got to know and understand each other more easily. I enjoy you and SS501’s songs and dances very much, especially “Unlock”, “Love like this”, “Be My Girl”, “Love Ya” and “Let Me be the One”. It could keep my heart young. I can also see you five from unsophisticated boys to sexy men one step by one. Music and some kind of arts are without borders. It’s really true and makes our life more wonderful.

Now I’m the member of Asia-Pacific Producers Network (APN), and just attend this year’s APN conference held in Korea. But unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to meet with you this time.

I know you want to be a character and skilled actor but not only a star, and also want to try to play for action films. I’ll try my best to present you to Jackie Chan’s producers as one of them is my best friend. But I think you’d overcome your shyness before strangers if you want be a good actor. I really wish we could have chance to cooperate for movie or TV series projects someday. The webmaster know my e-mail address and Tel. No. if you have time and want to chat with me about the above mentioned subject.

All the good wishes for you, especially wish you enjoy your work and life, and will have a soul mate but not just a simple girl friend in a near future!

Fighting! Fighting! We all Chinese fans are always supporting you and the full of energy passion’s group SS501!

Panpan He ( a Chinese film producer and one of your Chinese fans )

P.S: Thanks a lot for Keyeast to set up this warm “home” for Hyun Joong and his fans all over the world. Wish the webmaster can select some English messages to translate in Korea and transfer them to Hyun Joong.
Thanks again in advance for your kind help!

So what do you think about it?
Well, like what I have always said, we can only HOPE! There's nothing wrong with it. And of course, let's do it with prayers! Lots of prayer. :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


There’s an interesting rumor brewing that TVXQ / JYJ’s Jaejoong will be joined by SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong and CNBLUE’s Jung Yong Hwa for a new drama titled Cinderella.

Famous actress Song Hye Kyo is also rumored to have a starring role in the drama. Filming is set to begin in Korea in December and run until February of 2011. The filming location will then change to Japan in March 2011. There’s no word on which station this potential drama will air on but the rumor states that the broadcast will begin airing in May 2011.

The drama’s premise is about a 30 year old money hungry woman that finds interest in a man visiting South Korea, whom is the heir to a rich fortune.

Source: kawa-lily2 @ Oricon Blog
Via: cnbluestorm

Source: allkpop

My take.............

The fangirl in me says "WHY NOT?" LOL

I know where the great reactions from the fangirls are comin from. Physically, what can you ask for? We are definitely talking about the most handsome and the hottest Asian celebrities. Jaejoong is ofcourse part of the group, TVXQ. Yong Hwa, is the leader of CN Blue and one of the stars of You're Beautiful. And Kim Hyun Joong, no need for an intro! LOL

Of course, I would love to see the BFF acting together in one project. We only read news that they were best of friends. Although we saw pictures and videos of them together, it is still different to see them in a project acting and probably playing and having fun during shooting. With Yong Hwa, he's been compared to KHJ during the early part of his career since his character in You're Beautiful is kinda similar to Yoon Ji Hoo. They have been part of the MBC show "Hunter" and Yong Hwa commented that KHJ is really handsome and quiet.

I cannot blamed the fangirls if they really wanna see the three together with one of the most beautiful girls in Asia, Song Hye Kyo. Hotness overload indeed!

However, I feel that this rumor is soo good to be true! I dunno but Is it really possible? Jaejoong is rumored to be part of another drama, Poseidon and his fans want him to be part of it. On the other hand, Yong Hwa is also busy with CN Blue and We Got Married and Inkigayo. KHJ is still shooting for Playful Kiss and has plans to release his new solo album. He also said in an interview that he wants to have an Asian tour after finishing Playful Kiss. But we don't know yet, anything can happen.

Now for the fans reaction, some want TOP to be part of it! They want TOP to be with KHJ and Jae to complete the 4D connection! Hahaha. My take, maybe in another project! I prefer seeing Yong Hwa for this particular project!

Hopefully, this will not be just rumor. Fans are waiting for confirmation! And I hope it's positive. I wanna see Jae and Hyun Joong together. Double Joong, Fighting!


This post is a little bit late coz I was a bit busy in the past weeks.

Can you believe it? I watched four movies in span of 1 week. Haha. Actually, it's the first time I did it. It was a expensive however, I enjoyed it very much.

I first watched SALT. The trailer was very intriguing that's why I told myself, maybe I should see it. I'm not really a fan of Angelina Jolie but I've always admired movies having women in an action film. I was really amazed on how Angelina was able to do those stunts in this movie. She's really awesome! It was amazing to see such powerful aura mixed with sexiness and glamor.

My friend watched it first and she told me that it's GREAT! I don't really watch Leonardo di Caprio's movies but I was impressed with his Shutter Island. I even made a remark to my friend that I might nosebleed if I watch it. But yeah, I did. IMO, Inception is much better than SALT in terms of story, direction, special effects and of course acting!
Inception also made me realize how cute Joseph Gordon Levitt. LOL. He really caught my attention! Good thing he's in the movie or else I would be bored to death though the movie was exciting!

And then STEP UP 3D.
I didn't expect too much from this movie since I was not really impressed with the second installment. I should say STEP UP 1 is still the best. It was actually the first time I watched a movie in 3d cinema. My friends and I decided to try it. And the verdict! I didn't like it! Ewwww. It's so painful to watch and I felt that I should have stick to the ordinary cinema. Sigh. Speaking of the movie, I couldn't react much because there's nothing ordinary. The acting was plain, same with the dance moves. And the main actor, I couldn't actually feel that he's dancing. Sorry, but he's handsome. That's given! At least Channing can do both. However, for the main lead, wow! she's great!

Finally, the EXPENDABLES.
I am a big fan of Jet Li. So, from the time I found out from Wikipedia that he will co-star with Stallone and Statham, I said I would definitely watch it. The movie is your typical 80's action movie! That's what I get from the reviews I've read about it. It's something positive and negative though. But in my case, I'm happy that I'm able to see such actors in one film. I find these actor admirable because I know that each of them can star in their own film, but they opted to do this .... for a treat. I really enjoyed the movie! SOOOO MUCH! In terms of action scenes, it's SUPERB! And in terms of comedy and its delivery, hats off to these action stars.

I demand a sequel! Come on Stallone! Go for it!

My favorite scene with Jason hot! lol

My favorite character in The Expendables.

Rating the four movies based on how I was entertained. I should say that SALT, INCEPTION, STEP UP 3D got 7. And for EXPENDABLES, it's a perfect 10!