Saturday, November 01, 2008


I have made up my mind!

I have chosen between the two of them. And I chose the one who made the biggest impact in my life.

Some might say "why?" ...but it's a decision that I have to make. I need to grow and I need change. Change might not be "happy" or what sometimes, but I definitely need it. There is no assurance that I would be happy or contented with my choice but....there's no turning back.

I always treasure the moments that I had with that person..but it's time to let go, it's time to move on and face reality. Reality sucks but I would love to live in this kind of world than living in a world full of fantasy and dream.

Thanks to my angel who made me realize that there's a better world than the previous one I'm in. Thank God for He gave me a sign, my angel of course! ^^*