Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thanks to myangeL :)

I would like to start this entry in a happy and funny way but I couldn't. I'm having a hard time balancing my personal life and being a team leader. When you are a team leader, you've got to deal with your members of course, but what if your members are also your friends. Isn't it hard to handle them? Right now, I can say that I am. In as much as I don't want to scold them because they are my friends...of course, I don't want them to feel bad, I couldn't help it. I had to serve them memos and discussion logs that would frustrate them. But, it's my job. It's my job also to remind them of their responsibilities. Aegoo. Sooo frustrating.

Good thing, there is someone who continuously makes me smile. Thanks a lot, toot. Lol. Yeah, I call him toot. If I'm frustrated and sad, I just talk to him and I feel better already. He's such an angel.

By the way, Jina is already in Korea. She already distributed the presents for my friends in VOIM Korea. Mark received it this afternoon and he said thank you. Hoon also received it this morning and he immediately sent me a message. Yesterday, Eun Jung thanked for the card that I sent her. And then Hoya, who was the first one to thank me had his own way of thanking me. Well, I'm very happy because finally I was able to give them something. They've been very nice to me and I wanna give back somethin' to them. They probably didn't expect that I would be givin' sumthin' becoz of their culture. I remember Hoya even sent me 3 sad faces, TT.TT. ha ha. It's really funny but atleast they appreciate my present.