Thursday, November 13, 2008

my Korean dream :)

Hey, I'm back. And guess what I had more stories to tell. Last week, was really bad. My mom got sick and she had a problem with her blood pressure. She had a check-up and now being monitored from time to time. Well, she's doin fine and she's having her diet. Thank God, she's okay. I immediately went home last week to visit her. I actually bought some biscuits and oatmeal for her. I know that she needs those food because of her cholesterol. Sigh. After this, I realized that I should be more careful with the food I'm eating. I need to have a balanced diet especially that I usually sleep late and wake up early. Now, I'm eating more vegetables and fish. That means, less pork...less adobo. TT.TT
Before I left last Sunday, I told my mom to just stay at home and take a rest. Leave the task to my cousins.

Fast forward, here in Manila, I'm back to work. And just yesterday, something happened. I was able to talk to him over the phone and it made my day. Atfirst, I thought it wasn't him, but when he mentioned his name, my heart begun to beat faster. I don't really expect that he'll be the one to answer the phone call but of course, at the back of my mind, I'm hopin' that it would be him. ha ha. And to my surprise, it's really him. GOSH! I didn't know how to react honestly but according to Cha, I did well. ha ha. Thanks, cha. It was not my first time to talk to him over the phone, but I can't help it. That was the first time after making a tough decision last time. It wasn't that easy for me because I don't even have something to hold on.

Actually before that conversation, we already talked and it's all about my dream. I shared that before, I made a promise to my favorite student that I will be publishing a book or a novel in Korean. Until now, I want to fulfill that promise though that student stopped already. It was unfortunate but I'm dedicated to make it a reality. Right now, I know limited Korean words only, I told him that I would really study the language. Actually, my student told me that he would help in translating the story. I hope he still remembers it. ha ha. I miss that student (chasang119) sooo much! He's really my all-time favorite student. When I'm teaching him, I feel like I'm not working. It's like I was just talking to a friend. I miss Charlie T.T.
More stories and kilig moments next time. :)