Sunday, October 12, 2008

meeting JINA*

The past week has been very tiring, exciting, fun, and surprising.

Tiring, in a sense that I had to watch and review some class videos again. sigh! I finished 8 videos, well, I was supposed to finish 9 but then I couldn't do it anymore yesterday. I was really tired, sleepy, and at the same time HUNGRY and Fuzzled. ha ha ha.

Because we met Jina. Jina came in last Tuesday with Ms. Hellen. She's working as a customer support for VOIM Korea. She's only 22 but she's kinda tall. According to her, her father is tall so probably she inherits her height from him. On her second day, she met the morning teachers and we had sort of a question and answer portion. Vangie and Charmi were really funny and Jina could not resist to laugh. Myra and Cyryl were also joking on her. We almost forgot that it's lunch time already. At lunch time, I ate with her and Johanna in McDonald's. There, we discussed about Hoon, and the other support in Korea.

She asked us to accompany her when she shopped the following day. However, we did not push through with it because she had to finish computing the incentive of the teachers. That noon, we invited her to eat in Dels. Rhem was with us. Ofcourse, Johanna, too. We were surprised because she treated us out. Ofcourse, we're thankful. While eating, we talked about our favorite topic again. Rhem was really funny everytime she says "kangkong" and "tight suit." Johanna turned pale everytime she hears the phrase "tight suit." Well, as usual, I'm cool and I pretend like I didn't hear anything. Lol.

Friday was really tiring but fun! It's Jina's shopping day. Lol. But before that, we ate lunch with Cyryl. Same with the other days, it's full of kwentuhan and funny moments. It was special because there I told her that I would have invited her to a basketball game if the Tigers had a game. Sayang. After our shift, we went shopping na. Our first destination, St. Francis Square. Lol. Then, we went to Megamall.

We're tired already thats why we took our time and we also ate ice cream. Proof?

Then, we went back to VOIM. We're so tired.......... but we had fun. Wait, it's not over yet. We just went to VOIM so Jina can rest for a while before going out with the evening teachers. Johanna and I went home to change our clothes first. Kumusta naman. sigh. We left the house at 12midnight to follow the others who are already in Mucho's. We sung till 3:30 in the morning. Can you believe that? Lol. Jina also sung. She's good.

After our Mucho's adventure, we decided to go home. Well, they went home. Johanna, Ailil and I went to VOIM. It was almost 3:30. Wahhhh. I slept for an hour and woke up at quarter to 5 to open the door. It's time to WORK again. But then, I did not know that there was a great surprise waiting for me. ha ha ha. I told yeah, it was a surprise. ^^* was there. ha ha ha.

As much as I want to write our conversation here, I could not do it. I wanna keep it to my self. Basta, special sya. Lol.

Jina came around 10am and she caught me preparing the gifts that I would give her and the others. Then, we talked and she showed me some pics of her when she was in Canada and in Korea. I wanted to show her some pics but I couldn't because my level test student was already there. Sooo sad. After my last class, I went down to buy a special card for Eun Jung. I can't think of a gift that's why I decided to give her a card with a message.

When I came back, wahhhhhhhhhhhh. I was really surprised. Someone sent me a message. Shit!

Quote for the week: "Good job, bye."

I was really shocked. I just hugged Johanna. ^^*

Then, its time for Jina to leave. She went to my station and we hugged. I will really miss her. I gave her my gift, a Hello Kitty alarm clock...and also the gifts and card for the other support. I almost cried! I'm not a sentimental person but seeing her leave is something. How I wish she will stay with us in Manila, but of course, her work is in Korea. Sigh.

"To Jina, I really enjoyed your company and I'm hopin' that you will go back here in Manila. Hope to see you soon. I haven't told you my deepest secret..but in time, you'll know it. Lol. Take care and God Bless."