Thursday, December 06, 2007

the lucena

We arrived in Lucena around 4:15pm and I'm very thankful that the game hasn't started yet. We looked for nice seats that we could occupy coz its gonna be a long night, since we're goin to watch the second game. We finally sat on the seats located at the left side of the Coke team. Kumusta naman! kitang-kitang kami dun. :)

The game started and we begun watching, too. It was really great to see the Tigers playin with high energy! Too bad JA wasn't there. He has to stay in Manila to rehabilitate his injury to be able to play next excited about it! Actually, there are only two reasons why we went to Lucena. First, Ice wanted to see his ultimate crush, Johnny Abarrientos, second, I really believe that the Tigers will win that game, na nangyari naman, and the last one is __________.

The game wasn't exciting if you're a fan of SLR because the Tiger dominated the opposing team. But on a perspective of a Tiger fan, the game is like a great relief! Great in a sense that after 8-straight losses, finally the team got a win. Thanks to the heroics of Asi Taulava and Mark Telan who really played big time for the Tigers. Ofcourse, credit should be given to Kenneth Duremdes, Alex Cabagnot, and the rest of the team for playin well that afternoon. After the game, we went to the exit to check if we can have a pic with the Tigers. I really wanted to have a pic with Kuya Aries, a new addition to the team however, I didn't have any with Kenneth Duremdes. We just smiled to Kuya Jason coz he's with a staff of the team. Good thing, we saw Alex and I asked him for a pic. He's wearing the Coca-Cola Tiger warm-up uniform. He even asked "San bah?" haha. I thanked and congratulated him after, he replied with a smile. After that, we entered again and I just sit and begun texting.

The second game between the Aces and GinKings was very exciting. Though I was busy texting my friends regarding the outcome of the first game, I couldn't help but to look at the game. Mark Caguioa is such a spectacular player! So with JJ Helterbrand. The Quezon Convention Center was rockin' when the Gin Kings bounced back and even took the lead in the fourth quarter..but the Aces stood their ground. Thanks to Mike Cortez' crucial three-pointer in the last minute of the game. I'm not a fan of these teams and players but I salute them for giving the crowd a great game last weekend. Like what the man seating at the back, "sulit yung ticket!"

For me, the exciting second game was just a bonus! Winning the first game was a plus but seeing him and talking to him even for a minute is HEAVEN! I'm the real WINNER, ayt?

We arrived here in Manila at 6am yesterday. We just stayed at the terminal while waiting for a bus to Manila. While waiting, Ice and I just talked about our favorite topic and analyze some things about the game. WaaaaaaaH! This trip was really exciting and memorable. "Seeing and talking to him after a month and 3days is like HEAVEN!" I guess it's obvious now. I'm quite shy. lol.