Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Im still shocked when I heard that thing from a friend. Though, I have been thinking the possibility of it, Im still convincing myself that it may not be true. As much as possible, I don't want to comment coz it's their personal lives..I just hope, they'll be fine and solve whatever problems they have. I can only hope...

Me too, I also have my own share of problems. Despite all of these shortcomings, I'm trying my best to cope with them and solve them in my own little way. I don't want this post to be sad..Infact, I want to it to be happy and full of love. Yeap! I'm inlove! And I'm so proud of it. I forgot when was the last time I confessed that I'm ******, kelan nga ba yun? Years ago?wah! I didn't know how it happened...just met him on the day of my birthday..though I didn't had a chance to talk to him. After that, it's all magic! Probably, some of my friends know about this already..for the past month, I've been texting with them and we have been talking about him. Hay..guys, thanks a lot, Alen and Esel. Guys, I told you..Im serious about this. hahaha. See, I even put our pic in my wallet which I don't normally do...

Who's the lucky guy?Hmmm..I'll just keep it to myself. Ibalato nyo na lang sa kin 'to..please.
This morning, I was surfing the net and I found this from members.aol.com/GRGRNI/inLove.html:

"Do you think about the person during the day ?
How many times do you just happen to think of "just a friend" like that ?

When you see things happen around you ---
Do you ever wish you could be with that person doing the same thing(s) ?
How many times do you just happen to think of "just a friend" like that ?

Are there times during the day you just all of a sudden think of that person ?
Has that ever happened to you ?
How many times do you just happen to think of "just a friend" like that?

Do you ever watch a movie or tv show and think of that person ?
Does a person just happen to think of "just a friend" like that?

Do you ever think of the person at night when you go to bed, or dream of them,
or wake up in the morning thinking about them ?
Ordinally, does a person just happen to think of "just a friend" like that?"

Do you ever feel hurt when they feel hurt - cry when they cry ?
Does a person just happen to feel those feelings for "just a friend" ?

Do you ever feel a warmth inside when you talk to each other and/or
Does your heart ever go pitter patter when you talk to each other ?
Does a person just happen to feel those feelings for "just a friend" ?

Rubz, tagged me..and she said that I need to list down 10 weird things about me. So, here's my list.

1. I don't eat spaghetti, pizza, and other foods with sauce.
2. I like war movies like Behind Enemy Lines and Enemy at the Gates.
3. I hate romantic films coz I'm not a romantic person.
4. I'm a frustrated writer who wants to publish my stories someday.
5. I'm very passionate about basketball.
6. I watch WWF especially if Batista and John Cena fight. My all-time favorite wrestler is Bret "The Hitman" Hart.
7. I took up an environmental course in college; however, my work right now is not related to it.
8. I have a pair of pink hamster stuffed toys in my house but I don't want to display them. I just keep them in my closet.
9. I hate putting make-up on my face.
10. I don't go out a lot. I don't spent too much. But I'm not "close."