Thursday, February 01, 2007


My students are not yet online so why not compose another entry for my blog. I juz finished scanning some tennis news and those news make me feel sad. Yeah! Maria lost to Serena Williams in the Australian Open Finals.I wasn't able to watch it last Saturday coz I have to attend to my cousin's wedding. She really has to be tougher when she faces these tough and experienced players. By the way, last night Alen and I were texting and we both feel the same. WE MISS JOHN and the TIGERS already. We're also excited about the latest developments in the team. Is the team changing its name? Whatever..all we care about is John. Juz what we have agreed in Arriba.I have found this quotes from the net.The first one was utterred by Cong. Chiz Escudero..and the second one was from the TV show, Desperate Housewives.
"I disagree that I'm on the wrong side. I'm just not on your side."
- Francis Escudero
"We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their daring,
sometimes for their bravery, sometimes for their goodness. But mostly, we honor
heroes because at one point or another we all dream of being rescued. Of course, if
the right hero doesn't come along, sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves."
- from Desperate Housewives