Sunday, April 15, 2012

Holy Week :)

Spending Holy Week is a MUST for me! 

Why? It's the time wherein I am able to spend longer time with my family especially my parents. I remember when I was young, we spent Holy week with our friends and neighbors at the beach, but now, not anymore. We have our own priorities already and somehow I kinda feel awkward already. I dunno why...but it's how I feel. 

Last Friday, I arrived at home in the afternoon because I had to work last Maundy Thursday. I'm not complaining because we're payed doubled. LOL. And besides, traffic condition is awful on those days because there are a lot of people who travel to their provinces. I was just worried because I was not sure if there are available buses to Batangas during that time. But thank God, there were but it took me a long time at the terminal because passengers are quite few already. Most of them were in the province already. 

My niece and nephews, my cousin's children were persistent to go to the beach, so I granted their wish. Saturday morning, we went to the sea with my parents and our new puppies, Prince and Princess. 

When we arrived at the sea, the sun is already up! Such a great scenery! Perfection indeed!

My nephews and nieces went to the water already and my parents took the dogs onto the water. Princess showed her skill in swimming while Prince seemed a little scared. LOL. Me? I'm searching for something...

Before 8am, we went home already because the sun is totally up. What a day! :)