Thursday, October 14, 2010

Latest Updates...

Here I am again, busy.. busy.. busy. I can't update this blog because I'm so busy in the office. Well, Playful Kiss is about to end. We only had to wait for two more episodes and the love story of Baek Seung Jo and OH Hani will end.... atleast for now, because Group 8 will be releasing it's Youtube version come November. I will definitely miss my favorite Oh Hani and my beloved Seung Jo, but I'm excited that another chapter of their lives will be shared to the public. I just felt sad because their love story is so wonderful that I would definitely miss watching them every Wednesday and Thursday. It has always been my habit to watch them during their actual airing in Korea, and even watching them when subtitle is available already. Of course, I'm excited about the Youtube version and I can't help but be happy for Kim Hyun Joong and the whole cast because even if this drama didn't have a high rating in Korea, still, internationally, their drama has the landslide victory. KHJ Fighting! PK Fighting!

Speaking of KHJ, another wonderful thing going right for him is his CF works. Of course, he's the endorser of Hotsun, MVIO, Basic House, and Samsung credit card. However, this year he signed with Korea's no.1 brand, The Faceshop. I've seen a couple of KHJ banners here in Manila, and I must say, he's jjang! TFS did a great job in getting him as their endorser.