Monday, August 30, 2010

It's Been a While...

Oh Yah! It's been a month..

Of course, I remember this site. ^^ This is my home. Here, I can say everything I want to say. Although sometimes, I choose to just keep quiet since some people might be reading this blog. You know what, I have a lot of things in mind. I want to write many things here. But I just don't have the time to write everything here.

Right now, I am so busy in the office. Lots of Deadline. :( DAMN!
But I promise that I will be updating this blogsite again. Why? Coz I'm inspired. LOL.

Nowadays, I am very excited because Mischievous Kiss will be shown already. Although, I'm a little nervous for Hyun Joong, actually, pressured for him, I am very positive about this drama. He's the perfect Naoki for me! Haters go to HELL! Bleh!

I'll be back to blogging in the coming days :)

Always watch Mischievous Kiss, on MBC, at 9:55PM.