Wednesday, September 16, 2009

An Open Letter to HJL..

Welcome back, ****!

I was so excited to browse the internet websites this afternoon hoping to see news about your arrival. I was super worried about your health. I dunno, but I guess you've really caught my attention.

However, when I see you a while ago, I felt so guilty. Of course, I want to see you everyday. But upon seeing you like that, I told myself that you need more rest. Gosh. You look so tired, oppa. TT.TT. My heart is aching seeing you like that. How I wish, I can take care of you.

Please take your time to rest. I'm sure you'll be very busy in the coming months with your Persona Tour, CFs, TV guestings, fan meetings, and a possible new drama. So please, your health is the most important thing right now.

We can't wait to see here in the Philippines. Mwah :)

Sooooooooo pathetic, I hate writing things like these but because it's for HJL...I can do it. ^^