Monday, September 28, 2009


What a tragic event. Typhoon "Ondoy" hit the Philippines. :(

I really don't want to dwell on this matter because I don't wanna be depressed. I just hope that everyone who were affected, including my aunt's family in Marikina will be fine. I call everyone to pray for those people who died and for their families to recover.

That Saturday afternoon, I was in the office when the typhoon hit Manila. I was so scared looking at the Tektite windows because I could see trees swaying and raining so hard. Few teachers only came because of that extreme weather condition. It was hell...until a light came along. It was a different light that gave me peace and comfort. You really made my day though it was so tiring. Kamsahamnida :)

Finally, yesterday I watched Family Outing, a Korean TV program where KHJ appeared. I found this video after watching it. It was sooooo hilarious. I love Kim Hyun Joong. :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I am so excited these days :)
I'm prayin' that it would really happen.
I wanna see them in person.
I've never watched any concert, local or international..but if they will come here, I'm willing to spend talaga. hihihi.

Please come to the Philippines. :)

(Thanks to the owner of this pic...from Triple S Philippines blog.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

An Open Letter to HJL..

Welcome back, ****!

I was so excited to browse the internet websites this afternoon hoping to see news about your arrival. I was super worried about your health. I dunno, but I guess you've really caught my attention.

However, when I see you a while ago, I felt so guilty. Of course, I want to see you everyday. But upon seeing you like that, I told myself that you need more rest. Gosh. You look so tired, oppa. TT.TT. My heart is aching seeing you like that. How I wish, I can take care of you.

Please take your time to rest. I'm sure you'll be very busy in the coming months with your Persona Tour, CFs, TV guestings, fan meetings, and a possible new drama. So please, your health is the most important thing right now.

We can't wait to see here in the Philippines. Mwah :)

Sooooooooo pathetic, I hate writing things like these but because it's for HJL...I can do it. ^^

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Im fine now..

During the past 2 weeks, I was never ok. Too much pressure from work! There was a time that I was so angry and I even thought of giving up on my job. It's true. I told one of my members that I might step down. I was so down that time that I was crying that time. That was I think the first time I cried because of work. I can't help it. Everything was so negative and black. I couldn't see any positive which does not normally happens. No other source of inspiration as well.

But I've learned how to mellow down and think things carefully...just like old days. :)

Thanks to TM Jason and Dexie...

I immediately talked to TM about my problem and he explained to me what happened. Well, I'm still not solved to all his explanations of course because I believe that I'm RIGHT. Atleast, he gave me a better explanation and most importantly, he told me to RELAX. I'll take that from him. I usually tell him that word whenever he has a problem or if he's feelin the pressure already. TM, salamat po. Thanks for being objective and for being a fair supervisor and a friend to me. Minsan, tatay na rin. hihihi. Since my father is in my hometown, I have someone to look up to here in Manila. Go SuperJason!!!

And to Dexie, salamat sa pakikinig sa lahat ng mga sentiments ko. Sobrang thank you sa coffee last Tuesday. I really appreciate your words of encouragement. You are one my angels, indeed. Our relationship goes beyond, not only team leader-member..but a deeper one. You will always be my friend. I always believe in what you can do. You're a very nice person and given a chance, I've always wanted to see you lead a group. You may be quiet sometime, but like what I've always believe in, an effective leader doesn't need to shout or talk. His/Her members can feel him/her. So, keep it up. :) Shoutout to Minho's future wife. Lol.

Lastly, to my members, guys...thanks for the love and understanding. You are my angels. Whatever we aspire, we can surely get it if we work harder. So. let's get it on! Aja. Fighting.

Till my next rant...mwah! :)

By the way, since its weekend, I have time to sort out some pics and I have found some of the latest pics that we had in our team. I made a slide show. Hope you all enjoy it.