Saturday, February 07, 2009

too many things...

Too many things have happened these past few days. Wah! It's great to have a breather like this, ofcourse..a Saturday night. It's been a month I think since I updated this site and since then, I'm on a roll. I asked for an extension to work until 9pm in VOIM. Well, primarily because I really want to save money. I have to pay my credit card and stuff. But there's another reason which I dont wanna buy...but its on my mind. My friends could sense it. haha. Okay, I'm a hypocrite!

Here are the updates that I wanna share to all of you...

John, now a Barako
I was really shocked when Jason told me about the trade. WHAT! John now will play in RedBull. haha. Well, that's life. In a way, good for him. He'll be given more playing time there. And he could be the main guy..hope so. Because of that, I say byebye to Tigers, na ilang taon ko ring favorite team. I had a great time with this team and too bad it has to end this way. My loyalty is with John and it wont change whoever plays for Coke. To John, I will always support you. I may not be able to watch your game because I work at night, I will definitely pray for a better season for you and Red Bull. Go Big Bro! I will see you every Sunday basta may game ang RB. YOU STILL ROCK!

Goldie, visiting Manila.
Too tiring last week because after I finished processing my passport, I went with some office friends in ....hahaha. Aegoo! Yeah, in Manila Zoo and Intramuros. We accompanied Goldie there. It was very tiring but I guess, you dont feel it when you're with your friends. We spent the whole day walking, walking, eating, boating, taking pictures, etc. Wah. So tired talaga but I did it for my friend who came back to Cebu the following day. Hayy, we miss you Goldielocks, here. Come back here soon!

My passport is READY now!
Yahooooo! Yep, I have already fixed my passport and I'm ready to go to...wherever! Just kidding. I'm just happy that I was able to accomplish it during the holidays. Thanks to Myra and Lhyza :). Love yeah, gurls.

On reshuffling...
Yeah, we had our reshuffling in VOIM. Well, I am hurt and I definitely miss my old members. Team Anyng will never be the same again. However, things like this really happen and I have to accept it. I will still see them in the office..Yun nga lang, not in my group. Sigh. One word: sadness.

Well, anyway atleast, I made my angel laughed about it. And he made me laughed as well. Hayy. Thanks to you :) You always make me smile. You're heaven sent. Though we don't talk everyday, you always make me feel I'm a princess whenever we talk. WAH!

Enough. Enough. Enough. Lol.