Friday, January 02, 2009

my CEBU adventure..

Before I start sharing my wonderful experience in Cebu, I would like to thank first Mr. Um for that opportunity to represent VOIM Manila in Cebu. Thank you, Sir for the trust. Kamsahamnida ^^*.

Okay..go! Around 4pm when our flight departed in NAIA Terminal 3. Wah. Amazing. It was my first time to ride on an airplane and it was a mixed of excitement and nervousness. Sigh. But before that, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..everything was so great. I was able to talk to my angel, yun ang da best! Lol. I dunno. God's blessing. Then while waiting after my shift that morning, Karen, Johanna and I went to Starbucks in Pearl Drive first. Sarap ng Vanilla Frap. hihihi. After that, we had our lunch, guess what, Jollibee! haha. Around 1pm when Ms. Mherian and I left to go the airport. The flight was delayed by 15 minutes. What's shocking was.....Ms. Mherian would be sitting on the 8th row..and I would be on the 21st. How was that? But I had to overcome my fear. And I DID! Cebu, here I come.

It was havy traffic when we were in Cebu already. They were fixing the other bridge that connects the other cities to Mactan, so the traffic condition was really bad. Sigh. We arrived in the staff house around 7pm. We took some rest and then had our dinner with Sir Lito. Sir Lito, who was so generous and nice treated us in a Chinese restaurant. Wah! Super sarap nung steamed rice nila. I supahrrrrrr love it.

After having our dinner, (my first in Cebu..kkkk) we went to the office already to meet the teachers and all the staff. It was really spacious! Manila should have something like that. Right, Sir? haha. I finally met my friend, Goldie, who's very sexy and hot! haha. Thanks a lot, gurl. You're really nice. Mwah :) Same with Shell, and the other teachers. After that wonderful evening, Sir Lito, Goldie, and Shell accompanied us to different places in Cebu. LIke for example, we went to the famous Cebu Waterfront. Wah! It's amazing, the place, the design, the architecture. Great!

We also went to Mabolo and experienced its super yummy na chicharong bulaklak. haha. Ang sarap!

Now, it's time to go back to the staff house and take some rest. Soooooo tiring, but it was all worth it. Love it!

Day 2. Wah! It's parlor time. Syempre dapat pretty. Of course, we had to eat breakfast muna.

After spending an hour and a half, we went to Cebu City market and we bought some danggit and other famous Cebuano food.

We also went to the famous Magellan's cross and the adjacent church of Basilica del Sto. NiƱo. We had our lunch at A & A's. Hope I got it right!

To be continued.......