Monday, January 07, 2008

Christmas Gifts!

Christmas Gifts!
I am very happy with how my Christmas turned out. Let me start everything with the Coca-Cola game last Dec. 21. The team won against Barangay Ginebra courtesy of Ronjay Buenafe's three-point play. John also played well that time. It was his best showing after having injuries. Though, he had limited playing time, he provided quality minutes! John was so sweet and all-smile after the game. haha. He even said that he'll give us wristbands. That night, we (ICE and ME) were able to give our gifts to some very people in our lives. lol. Thank you very much to Pherl, who did it for us.
Dec. 23
Sad game! If there's a game that I don't want to witness, it has to be Coke vs. Air21. It's not that I'm afraid that my team will loose against the Express. It's because Marvin Cruz, will be facing the Express. Marvin, is one of my favorite players in the PBA. I'm hopin' that someday, he can play with John in the same team. wah! That would be totally FUN and EXCITING! (atleast for Esel, Ice, and me, ayt? haha.
Well, the Tigers lost :(. Its pretty obvious that the team was tired. They missed most of their shots from the 3-point line. It obvious that they need the outside shooting especially the perimeter shooting of John. Well, sino bang hindi nakakamiss. Yeah, John's elbow was hurt during the BGK game :(. But John was still happy after the game. You know at least, they are in a better position right now and he's hoping that they can win more games next year. He even asked how are we going to celebrate Christmas. I said that I would be going home in Batangas to spend it with my parents. "Do you want to join?" Ofcourse, I didn't say that. It has ended already, okay. haha. Then he said, " have a safe trip, then." Wah! Ang sweet! Thanks John, I also hope that you had a blast last Christmas even if ****** was not here. She'll be back, don't worry :). Coz John was in a hurry coz he had to move his car already, he bid goodbye.
After talking to John, Ice and I felt so guilty coz we were not able to greet Kuya Ken and Kuya Jason. Bawi na lamang tayo next year, gurl!
And then finally, we approach Alex who was wearing red that night. He was talking to some fans when I approached him and ask for a pic. Yeah, another one! many pics with the Cool whip do I have this year? 6?7?8? let me check! Basta, I'm happy with this pic :) I'll keep it to myself, its better this way :) mwah..xoxo!We weren't contented yet, we rode on a bus and we're so shocked that the man who's shouting for Coke a while ago was on the same bus. Yeah! haha. Katapat pa ni Ice. He even gave us some candies. Ang sweet ni Manong..basta Manong, Go Coke pa rin! "Sisikat ka Cabagnot! Sisikat ka!"" One more, Asi!" lol. At Megamall, we continued chatting about the game. I went home around 11pm coz I had work the following day.
ME: "Pogi na po talaga sya, Kuya!"I couldn't help myself but to react when someone at my back shouted "Papogi lang yang si Arigo." when John was about to take a shot. Double black-eye sya! John made the three-pointer and nasabihan ko pa sya nito. wahahaha! Lesson: Never underestimate my big bro in front or at my back or else, you will hear somethin' you didn't want to hear from me. OKAY? peace :)
PIC:My pic with Alex, we're both wearing red. It's Christmas daw kasi. Saya! Kilig!lol.