Monday, August 14, 2006

new Monday

This is a new Monday for me! I don't have to go to my fulltime job everyday coz my manager has approved my request to work as a partimer offsite. Hay! at least I'll be able to find more time for myself. Of course, my health is still my priority. Even if I would miss my officemates there, I don't have any choice but to make that very important decision.Change topic: This is a little bit late but it doesn't matter at all..JA has posted already in Arriba after several months. His message is too long but worthy of ten or more readings. Haha! That's how I miss JA so much!Very thankful that he's back already coz he's there's a lot of things going on his team right now. Personally, I'm afraid of what might happen to his team because I know he'll be affected. If the team disbands and he will be transferred to another team, he will have to adjust again to a new team and new system. Oh..I don't want to see him frustrated again. I don't want him to be part of a team that wouldn't maximize his talents. I'll be a hypocrite if I say I want him to play for his former team. I don't know but I haven't fully recovered from that trade. Even if Jolas is still there, I can't cheer for them anymore. But I'll be forever thankful to them coz through that team, I met JA!I hope everything would be settled before the opening of the season coz I don't want the team to suffer. I don't want to see JA so frustrated after the game. As much as possible I want another championship for him. And to those who continue to criticize him, I have an advice for you guys! talk and know him first before making any conclusion.