Wednesday, July 26, 2006

APRIL 22, 2006...

This blog has been publish in my other blog. I include it hear coz I consider this as an important day in my boring life!
APRIL 21,2006.....I was very thankful because I checked my email that night. I saw sis Charina's message. She said she plans to Moro Gym to visit Coke practice. I immediately got her number and texted her. She replied and we set everything. I really can't sleep that night. This was the first time that I would be able to see JA since 2003. That was back in college when I went to KFC Katipunan with my friend Agnes. Imagine, that was three three years in the making..I always watch his games naman but mainly on TV. Also I was very excited coz I would be able to meet somemembers of Arriba. Honestly, I didn't know what time I was able to sleep that night. I woke up around 8am the following day. I immediately fixed myself and my things. Around 9am,Chaina and I met at LRT2 Pureza station. She was with Rubz, Rich's number 1 supporter..(GO sis!). I would never forget when she said "PUP school ko pero puso ko nasa Ateneo." When we arrived at Moro, it was around 10:30 in the morning. I asked one of the staff there is the team was stillpracticing. He said yes and he even accompanied us inside. "Ang bait ni manong!" He even offerred us to sit on the othe side of the court near that big electric fan..haha. Upon our entry, I begun looking for the players and the first one that I saw was Ali Peek. Well,he's so big kc. And then there he goes...I saw him. He even looked at us and smiled. After a few minutes, Jason and Alen joined us. Alen is also a member and I am one of those who always view her friendster coz she always has new pics of JA. Later, each player practiced in different rings. Denoc Miranda, Coke's rookie practiced at the right ring near us. Then JA and Will Antonio occupied the left. John asked us whether we're from Arriba and we said YES! Then, he smiled and continued his practice. While practicing, I could notice how happy JA with his new team. While practicing kc, JA also joked around with Will. They were laughing, and playing like kids which is really funny. There was one moment wherein I smiled coz Will accidentally hit John's face and then suddenly they laughed. Around 11:30, the team went at the center of the teamand had a meeting. After that, JA practiced some treys..I guess during that time, he was practicing for the All-Stars.
Later around 1, he sat at the other side and we approached him. Ofcourse again we're shy! That's given come on! We asked him to pose for some pics. I was stunned when Alen courageously asked him to hug us...Actually, it was just a joke while we're waiting.I didn'tknow she would stilldo it.haha.. Iba ka Alen! JA said "no problem." One by one, he hugged us. First was Alen, then Rubz, then Charina and OMG! It's my turn! After that, we had a group pic. Alen had to go home coz her parents werewaiting already. We also went outside na but you know what? We'rewith JA. It's hard kc to go out of Ateneo if you don't have a car, you either walk..or wait for a taxi.I think there were also tricycles. In short, makikisuno po kami sa car nya hanggang
The three of us, Charina, me and Rubz sat at th eback while Jason was at the front. Before leaving, JA said goodbye to Rafi and Coach Binky at the parking lot. While inside the car, we mentioned to JA about his Homeboy guesting. He even said he did some silly things there like singing "Magtanim ay di Biro." But we told him, it's cute. I can't remember what other things we talked about. I have poor memory actually..hehe. At Cubao, we said goodbye and we thanked him of course. The following day, Arriba was flooded with messages about that visit.
Again, thanks to JA! thanks for the hug! and to Charina, Alen, Jayson and Rubz..I am so greatful to that I was able to meet you on that very special day! I hope there would be a repeat of that, I mean the visit.