Sunday, July 21, 2013

Truly Unbreakable

Today, I'm posting the link of the music video of Kim Hyun Joong' s Unbreakable featuring Jay Park. It still amazes me the fact that Jay Park and KHJ collaborated. Whoever thought of this brilliant idea, thank you soooo much in behalf of all the fan girls. LOL. This made me really happy because I've always liked HJ to collaborate with other artists. When I saw this MV for the first time, I felt so proud of HJ. He's come a long way and he's gone through a lot as an artist but he continues to strive harder to show an even better performance. He's indeed, THE ONE!

Congratulations KHJ and thank you to Jay Park. I hope this wont be the last time. I would love to see the two of you performing live on the stage. KHJ, you are really UNBREAKABLE!