Sunday, August 05, 2012

Just an Update...

I actually couldn't remember the last time I blogged. But tonight, I suddenly remember that I haven't blogged for a while. Actually, this is a late entry because my internet connection keeps on fluctuating. Last week, I watched The Dark Knight Rises. I liked it very much because it's story has depth and the acting is superb as well. I also like the ending they gave to Batman! He deserves it, I think. :)

Christian Bale also deserves a best actor nomination for his role as Bruce Wayne. He looks old in this film but he's still hawt. Don't worry Thor, Hawkeye and Loki, you're still the best for me. :) I just can't help but admire him. British actors portraying superheroes I think act the best! And can I just say that the cameo of Liam Neeson in TDKR made me like the movie more. Afterall, I'm a Liam Neeson fan. :) Super excited for his movie, Taken 2. Of course, Expendables 2 and Bourne Legacy are on my list of must-watch!

My rating for this movie is 8/10. Like what I've said, I like how they ended the story but overall, I still enjoyed The Avengers better. Kekeke.

This coming October, I'll be on a trip with my officemates. Until now, we haven't found any hotel. I'm quite excited for this trip because I have always liked to visit Vietnam. Although I'm wishing for a miracle to happen while I'm there, I don't think it's possible. We, are simply impossible. Still, I am happy that I got to know that person. :) 

Tonight, I went out with friends and co-workers to unwind. While we're at MOA, I was trying to update myself on the Olympics. So sad to know that Maria and Nole failed to win the gold medal. Aisshhhh.. But I'm still proud of the two of them. Even Barriga failed to advance to the next round in boxing. :(

But my night wasn't 100% bad because KHJ won the Best Asian Artist in The Asia Song Festival held in Yeosu tonight. Congratulations, KHJ! Henecians are super proud of you. :)