Thursday, April 30, 2009

What's new?

Ano nga ba? Actually, NOTHING!
Meron nga pala, yung QA evaluation namin, bago na naman. Sigh. What else is new?
I dont want to write an entry about the office thing. I wanna write somethin else. However, I dunno what's that sumthin. Hmmm. I think I have to thank all those people who remembered my birthday last April 9. Thank you guys for the greetings, hmmm.. I wont mentioned your names but from the bottom of my heart, thanks a lot ;). I love you all.
As much as possible, I dont want to elaborate about my birthday. Weeks have passed and I already forgot some of the things that had happened on that day. Wish? Hmm..I think I am blessed with loving family and friends, that alone is a great gift from God. What I wish for is good health for my parents and me. Lovelife? Wag muna. I don't think I can handle it right now. I'm not prepared and right now, there's just one person in my heart. I dunno if he knows it but he is still there. Call it stupidity but there's no other guy has inspired me even like him. LOL.
Enough of lovelife....
This year, I have some personal goals that I want to achieve. I want to buy an ipod where I can save my SS501 videos and music. haha. I'm really goin' gaga over Kim Hyun Joong and the rest of this South Korean boyband. They ROCK!
Wait, I want to thank my student JISU who really prepared for my birthday. During our class, she had cake and candle and other stuff. She was really sweet :). Also to Ms. Maria, thanks coz she even sent me a message despite being busy. I really hope that I could meet her in person. And to my loving friends, thanks guys :) Mwah. mwah. Mwah.
Till my next post...