Sunday, February 17, 2008


Just last Sunday, I went to watch a game in AC with Pherl and her boyfriend. They were the same friends who went with me last time in Cuneta during the KO game of Coke and Air21. We're not able to catch the 1st game coz we ran out of in sold-out...grrrr..hayy good thing, Ate Hazel of the PBA office was so generous. She gave me two Upper A tix which I later gave to Pherl. I decided to buy a ticket in Patron just to see the game closer. Why I am so eager to watch? I should say, I really miss the action in the court. I miss the drama at the bench and the rivalries between players, teams, coaches, and FANS! Also, when I was in Batangas, I saw Game 5 on tv and I told myself that if the game would go on to Game 7, I would be watching it. The reason: just to have a pic with Cyrus. Yeah, in the past I've listed him as one of the ballers whom I would like to have a pic with...and now, its

I find this guy very simple and yet explosive in the court. Ang galing! No wonder, he has a lot of fans. He's ability to dunk is ofcourse an added factor. Yeah, the looks is It was just unfortunate that Redbull lost to PF and it wasn't his night. I guess, he's tired and at the same time, the defense against him was so tight. PF knows kasi that if Cy would get his game going, then they're in big trouble. Well, he has a lot to learn after that word, TOUGHER!

Hayy..iba talaga ang feeling when your team is in the semis or finals. I admit I envy the fans of RB, PF, Alaska, and SLR coz they experienced cheering for their teams in these kinds of game. How I wish I would be able to cheer for John in semis or finals. When would that be? crossing fingers.........sigh. Ammm. Siguro, when someone gets FIRED! haha, juz still hopin' though that one day I'll be able to cheer for John and his team in the semis..or in the finals..sigh.